Your Editorial Calendar is Not Your Content Marketing Strategy

Your Editorial Calendar is Not Your Content Marketing Strategy

Your Editorial Calendar is Not Your Content Marketing Strategy. The architectural phase of your new home is akin to your content marketing strategy. First comes strategy If your editorial plan isn’t feeling quite right, chances are high that you don’t have a solid strategy – or your team doesn’t have a shared understanding of what that strategy is. In our most recent content marketing research, 37% of B2B marketers say they have a documented content marketing strategy, with an additional 41% indicating they have an undocumented strategy. But, when you look at what their strategy includes, just over half have a content mission, a deep understanding of their personas, and goals tied to their content. Here are a few other things to consider: Does everyone else on the team have the same understanding of the strategy? Then comes plan Every single thing you publish and communicate needs to support the three key items in your strategy. Do you have both strategy and a plan? Does that create a comfortable home for your content marketing? Would it make sense to fine-tune your content marketing strategy or your editorial plan – or both?

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More and more, I am hearing marketers talk about how they have a strategy . . . and then proceed to say they are set because they have an editorial calendar.

At the risk of sounding ranty, I’d love to yell from the rooftops: An editorial calendar is not a content marketing strategy!

While this conflict may seem like an issue of semantics, the confusion and meshing of these terms point to a bigger issue.

I am a big believer that you need to have both a strategy and an editorial plan or calendar. And you need to understand how each is different because the absence of one may explain why you are feeling uncertain in your efforts.

A simple analogy

Let’s say you are building a home. An architect leads the design of the structure by creating an architectural plan. But then a civil engineer makes the design possible – implementing and adjusting the plan to realize the architect’s vision.

Do you need an architectural design for your new home? Absolutely. It’s the vision of what you want to achieve. You would help your architect understand your needs (your why) – your strategy. Where do you want to move? How big of a house do you need? Are you beginning your family and want room to grow, or are you looking for something more compact and easy to maintain (one of those trendy tiny houses, perhaps)? How does your home fit into your overall family budget – and how much do you want to spend? These are just some of the questions you need to answer before creating a plan.

The architectural phase of your new home is akin to your content marketing strategy.

With that architectural strategy, you are ready to have the civil engineer create a building plan to implement the vision. That’s akin to your editorial plan or calendar.

In short, just like when you are building a home, you can’t have an effective building plan without an architectural strategy, and you can’t execute your strategy without your plan. (And, if you are designing a house with your spouse, you both need to get on the same page as well – just like your team needs to get on the same page with your strategy.)

First comes strategy

If your editorial plan isn’t feeling quite right, chances are high that you don’t have a solid strategy – or your team doesn’t have a shared understanding of what that strategy is.

In very simple terms (I recognize this doesn’t account for all of the nuances out there), your strategy needs to answer these three questions:

  • Who are we educating/helping? (Note: I did not say “targeting,” as your goal should be helping. Creating a persona is one way to do this.)
  • How can we help them in a way that no…