19 Strategies That’ll Help You Become an Influencer

19 Strategies That’ll Help You Become an Influencer

For example, my content influences other influencers. Create a content strategy Once you have a niche, it’s time to build your content strategy. You don’t have to stay this active on so many channels, but pick one or two to start building out your influence. Create a website or blog Conversations don’t end on social media. Don’t be an influencer without a cause. When responding, be sure to stay consistent and friendly. And people remain engaged on these platforms. Follow influencers and give shout outs To be an influencer, you need to know other influencers. To expand your influence, you need to show people they’re influencing you as well. I don’t go that far, but I do try to follow other influencers to engage their audiences along with mine.

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I hesitate to pat myself on the back, but I’m recognized as an influencer in the digital marketing space.

But how? Why?

Part of my growth as an influencer is because I weave a lot of my personal story into my content.

My influence allows me to pick and choose projects and clients based on my personal tastes and interest in certain challenges.

Influencers have a lot of power.

For example, my content influences other influencers.

With great power comes great responsibility, so I’m careful how I wield mine.

Studies show consumers are 71% more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals.

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According to 2017 Tap Influence research, 40% of people have purchased an item after seeing it used by an influencer on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.

This is why interest in influencer marketing has skyrocketed 90x since 2013.

Everyone wants to be promoted by a social media influencer these days!

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Sounds fun, right?

Becoming an influencer wasn’t easy. It took a lot of focused work.

I like to use my influence in a positive way, so I’m going to tell you the secrets that got me to where I am today.

1. Pick a niche

If you ever called a technical help desk, you’re aware the first problem they’ll resolve is making sure the device you’re asking about has power and is turned on.

This is the same way we diagnose the reason you’re a nobody.

The reason you need a niche is to start out as a micro influencer in your particular niche.

Micro influencers create powerful word of mouth to small groups.

Research shows they generate double the sales of paid ads and with a 37% higher customer retention rate.

Micro influencer webinar stats

Micro influencers don’t have the followings of a Kardashian, but they’re much cheaper and can still reach a targeted niche.

It’s not just enough to pick a topic.

Digital marketing is a broad topic, and I didn’t get to the top by focusing solely on a broad keyword.

I started in the trenches of SEO before learning content marketing, conversion rate optimization, influencer marketing, social media marketing, and more.

One day you may have 262K Twitter followers.

But you have to start with one.

Neil Patel Twitter

Start as the expert among your friends and peers.

Work toward being the expert in your city and state.

Then build your empire from there.

2. Create a content strategy

Once you have a niche, it’s time to build your content strategy.

Even the Content Marketing Institute concedes there is no template for this.

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They do need to be followed consistently, though.

I have strict goals I set for myself to create a set amount of social posts on each network while maintaining blog quality and working on side projects.

They’ve not yet created a process the government can’t quantify though.

The Usability.gov website has a handy chart to get started.

Usability gov

Audience, voice, and tone are the main components. From there you can outline your workflow, including daily tasks and necessary tools.

Not terribly hard right?

Once you’re armed with this information, you can select your channels.

3. Select your channels

There’s no wrong answer for which social channels to be on and avoid.

Facebook is by far the most popular, with 61% market share in 2016. But that dropped from 65% in 2015, and other social channels still have validity.

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While I enjoy my time on certain channels more than others, I don’t play favorites when engaging with my audiences.

I do my best to show up everywhere.

My page gets a ton of traffic and has a great conversion rate.

Neil Patel Facebook

I’m also active on LinkedIn.

It’s a great place to share information and run professional background checks.

Neil Patel LinkedIn

You can find me on Pinterest.

I love the visual format of this site. I think it has more marketing potential than Instagram, personally.

Neil Patel Pinterest

I recently started using and becoming more influential on Quora, too.

This question and answer site is quickly becoming a repository of great information.

Neil Patel Quora

I’m also working on my YouTube presence.

Video content is king.

Neil Patel YouTube

Each channel has a different audience (and audience size) expecting different content.

These are just my social channels. I’m not including my blogging and guest blogging efforts.

You don’t have to stay this active on so many channels, but pick one or two to start building out your influence.

Think of each social channel as another platform for you to reach your customers (and the general public).

4. Network within the industry

In order to be influential, you need to make real connections.

Everyone wants to sit at home on their couch and connect with influencers on social media.

That’s simply not an option. Popular tech influencer iJustine, for example, has 1.2 million Twitter followers.

iJustine Twitter

She’s very active with her followers, but can’t possibly engage individually with all 1.9 million in any meaningful way.

Where you can network with Justine Ezarik is at technology trade show CES.

You can also bump into her at the Webby Awards, the Streamys, and several other events.

Event marketing is a big trend in 2017, with 67% of B2B marketers considering it their most effective strategy.

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Why not make it a priority for marketing yourself?

Get off the couch, get out the house, and get to major events related to your niche.

You can start your search at the Trade Show News Network for listings of trade shows around the world in every industry.

5. Participate in off-site forums

Becoming popular on one social network does have its advantages.

YouTuber PewDiePie, for example, earns $70k per month off the strength of 9,239,050 daily views.


Even PewDiePie has other revenue streams, however, earning $6.5 million from endorsement and app development deals alone.

Not everyone can be PewDiePie, though. That’s why he’s famous for it.

The rest of us have to venture outside social media and participate in forums, comment wells, and other online discussions.

Every discussion you can be a part of online enhances your reputation, influence, and connections.

6. Create a website or blog

Conversations don’t end on social media.

You’ll always have more to say than can fit in a tweet or Instagram post.

With a website or blog, you have a place to direct your social followers as you gain them.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of blogging.

One of the best content management systems for creating either a website or blog is WordPress.

WordPress Blogging Platform Stats

Don’t be an influencer without a cause.

Be prepared to lead your followers into your well-designed conversion funnel.

Tweets with links have 86% higher engagements rates.

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