Are You a Desperate Networker?

Are You a Desperate Networker?

Are You a Desperate Networker?. When people demonstrate certain behaviors as part of their networking efforts, it’s a tell-take sign of desperation. Here are four types of behaviors that desperate networkers exhibit: The "Card Dealer" This is probably the most common form of desperation that I’ve seen over the years. He doesn’t spend time really getting to know anyone (unless he thinks he can get something from them). The more people he can pass his cards to, the better he's doing (or so he thinks). So, what’s the right distance to stand from someone without getting into his personal space? From my experience, that distance is definitely less in some countries around the world. She wants you to do business with her without asking questions about you, your business, your interests or your needs first. These people are the reason why many individuals don’t like to go to networking events. The New Best Friend Follow-up with the people you meet at a networking event is important.

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Are You a Desperate Networker?

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Desperation is not referable. When people demonstrate certain behaviors as part of their networking efforts, it’s a tell-take sign of desperation. Here are four types of behaviors that desperate networkers exhibit:

The “Card Dealer”

This is probably the most common form of desperation that I’ve seen over the years. The Card Dealer is a person who darts around the room passing out cards like he’s at a poker table. He doesn’t spend time really getting to know anyone (unless he thinks he can get something from them). To the Card Dealer, networking is mostly a numbers game. The more people he can pass his cards to, the better he’s doing (or so he thinks). Card Dealers tend to have a network that is a mile wide but an inch deep because they don’t spend time building relationships. It never works in the long run and they just look inexperienced, frazzled and yes — desperate.

The Space Violator

Here’s the guy who thinks the closer he gets when he’s talking to you, the more you’ll be interested in what he’s saying. Nope. Not true. In fact, it has the opposite effect (especially if his breath has the aroma of a smelly camel). So, what’s the right distance to stand from someone without getting into his personal space? The answer to this question varies based on the cultural standards of the country you are in. In North America, it’s fairly common to have conversations at roughly “arm’s length” for people that you meet at a…