4 reasons why ‘viral’ content marketing doesn’t work

4 reasons why ‘viral’ content marketing doesn’t work. With about a million forms of content going viral every month or so, to the untrained eye it may appear to work for everyone, every time. In fact, most of those who equate viral marketing with success don’t even know what it implies. Image : shutterstock According to whatis.com, “Viral content is material, such as an article, an image, or a video that spreads rapidly online through website links and social sharing. It is crucial, therefore, to understand that creating an interesting image, or what have you, is not enough ensure that it goes viral — the time of its arrival is equally crucial. Apart from timing, there are four reasons that make content designed purely from the viral point of view difficult to sustain and maintain. Lack of relativity: According to popular content website breakthroughcontent.com, “Maybe you have produced the perfect viral video of cats on a roller coaster. In short, the form of success that obscures your core business should be abandoned. Apart from these, there is another blockade that puts a big question mark against viral marketing or marketing created with intent to go viral. And over what time?

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‘Viral content marketing’ has been the buzz phrase for quite some time now. From big players to startups, everyone seems to want to join in on the frenzy. With about a million forms of content going viral every month or so, to the untrained eye it may appear to work for everyone, every time. Unfortunately, it is not so. In fact, most of those who equate viral marketing with success don’t even know what it implies. This lack of comprehension has led to complete obfuscation of the word ‘viral’. Therefore, let’s first understand now and forever, what it actually means.

Image : shutterstock

Image : shutterstock

According to whatis.com, “Viral content is material, such as an article, an image, or a video that spreads rapidly online through website links and social sharing. Online content that appeals to users enough to make them want to share it can be spread virally.

According to breakthroughcontent.com, “Viral content is any piece of media that suddenly becomes an online sensation.

The science of a campaign going ‘viral’ is that of luck or perhaps the general mood of the digital populace. If you create an anti-Trump video around the time of the election, or write something against Dylan’s Nobel Prize win on the day of the announcement or bring in a cutting-edge perspective on the recent demonetisation, you would probably ‘go viral’. Timing plays a crucial role in determining the success of your campaign/ad/photo/video and adds to the uncertainty factor. It is crucial, therefore, to understand that creating an interesting image, or what have you, is not enough ensure that it goes viral — the time of its arrival is equally crucial. In truth, there’s no such thing as…