The future of content marketing

The future of content marketing

The future of content marketing. The way that humanity consumes its information is changing increasingly rapidly. One of the first ways content was actually delivered was through the written word and it is still arguably the most effective means of communication today. Colloquialism and informal language are slowly being legitimised as content aims to simplify information and reach a wider audience. This will only be exacerbated by the increasing use of technology by those not well versed in the English language. Reach Content hasn’t always been this widely and easily available. The ‘listicle’ format already incorporates the use of multiple images and videos and it remains to be seen how content manages to balance out the use of language and imagery in the future. Based on current trends, it is going to reach a wider audience, language will change and imagery will be more widely used. Information overload will be a major danger for the content market to rise above in an ethical manner, but the future of content looks bright regardless of this. The written word will always enthrall, while images and videos are becoming increasingly more vivid and lifelike.

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The way that humanity consumes its information is changing increasingly rapidly. One of the first ways content was actually delivered was through the written word and it is still arguably the most effective means of communication today.

However, whereas earlier it was the most reliable and widely used method, it now faces competition from a wide array of mediums. The 20th century saw the world tune in to their radios and turn on their TVs, while the new millennium has seen content evolving into a digital avatar.

Image : shutterstock

The past decade has seen a sea change in content marketing. The evolution still continues though, and there are some changes that will only grow more prominent as content marches into a new age of technological advancement.

Here are some of the things that will definitely change in content marketing in the near to distant future.


Language is constantly evolving and we’re already seeing numerous terms coined on the internet making their way into the dictionary. Colloquialism and informal language are slowly being legitimised as content aims to simplify information and reach a wider audience.

This will only be exacerbated by the increasing use of technology by those not well versed in the English language. While English remains an official language in almost half of the world’s countries, we may soon see it becoming an amalgam of formal language, colloquialism, and region-specific vernacular language.


Content hasn’t always been this widely and easily available. While the circulation of newspapers and magazines did reach out to a large portion of the population, it was mostly restricted to the educated and urban dwellers. The advent of the smart phone era has changed all that, with content now being consumed a lot more…