B2B Buyers: What Content Do They Respond To Best?

B2B Buyers: What Content Do They Respond To Best?

This point holds true when trying to figure out which elements to include in your content marketing to achieve demand generation. A Demand Gen Report offered excellent insights into the types of content that B2B buyers responded to in 2016. Offer Shorter and More Interactive Pieces The Demand Gen “Content Preferences” survey revealed that 51 percent of B2B respondents rely on content for pre-purchase research. This data aligns with other reports that illustrate the importance of the self-directed research process in the buyer’s journey. During initial demand generation stages, aggressive sales content is a turn off to the buyer looking to get informed. When you educate b2b buyers looking for information, you establish yourself as someone that customer can trust. This point is backed up by the fact that 73 percent of B2B buyers in the Demand Gen survey viewed a case study during their journey. Case studies are evidence that your solution or process achieved desirable results with a real client. This fact supports the previous point about using early-stage content to establish your company as a credible industry resource. In fact, in the same LinkedIn report, it was found that nearly 90% of B2B buyers are more likely to engage with sales professionals who are viewed as thought leaders in their industry.

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You don’t have to invest a lot of time, effort and resources into figuring out how B2B buyers behave; they’ll tell you.

This point holds true when trying to figure out which elements to include in your content marketing to achieve demand generation.

A Demand Gen Report offered excellent insights into the types of content that B2B buyers responded to in 2016.

The following is a look at these items along with tips on how to incorporate them into your content.

51 percent of B2B buyers rely on content for pre-purchase research

Offer Shorter and More Interactive Pieces

The Demand Gen “Content Preferences” survey revealed that 51 percent of B2B respondents rely on content for pre-purchase research.

This data aligns with other reports that illustrate the importance of the self-directed research process in the buyer’s journey.

This point is particularly the case during early stages of research. Thus, videos, images, and other non-text tools help keep a B2B reader’s attention in the midst of a typical blog post.

Infographics are a better way to break down data and facts as opposed to straight-line copy.

This infographic from Curata, titled “Content Marketing Strategy: 3 steps to get more content and leads on a tight budget”, is an excellent example:

Curata - Content Marketing - How to get more content and leads on a tight budget

Educate Rather Than Sell

B2B buyers also prefer that the content…