Blame terrorists if you get a speeding ticket while driving in France

Blame terrorists if you get a speeding ticket while driving in France

Author: Peter Sayer / Source: CIO Drivers in France might be able to blame terrorists for their next speeding ticket, as police there cra

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Apps and websites may soon be banned from warning of police traps in France.

Drivers in France might be able to blame terrorists for their next speeding ticket, as police there crack down on mobile apps warning of their presence.

It’s already illegal for smartphones and other GPS devices in France to warn of nearby fixed radars used to issue automatic penalties for speeding, so road information apps from Waze, Coyote and TomTom lose some of their functionality on crossing the French frontier.

Soon French police will be able to order such services not to display warnings of mobile radars and other traffic checks, declaring information blackout zones as much as 20 kilometers across for up to 24 hours.

Apps like Waze gather warnings from a community of users and put them on a handy map — but the government decree, which could enter effect in late July, also extends the information blackout…