Social media marketing more than a B-to-C world

Social media marketing more than a B-to-C world. Platforms that work well for B2B social media marketing are LinkedIn and Twitter. Whether it’s through LinkedIn, Twitter or even Facebook, social media platforms allow businesses to talk about their brand and to get it in front of a wide audience quickly. Potential clients or customers are social media users as well. By first creating awareness with potential customers, B2B organizations are then able to more successfully convert sales by way of social media platforms. Social media networks offer opportunities to connect to groups, conversations and even individual targets, which can quickly go from the digital landscape to the conference room with the right finesse. Last, but certainly not least, social media marketing offers the opportunity for B2B organizations to “show off.” Consider the fact that social media users are employing their platforms to get much more than entertainment. More often than not, social media users turn to these sources for news and information. This can be executed through advertising, group involvement and/or conversations that illustrate success and knowledge in a particular field. Facebook is less popular for B2B social media marketing but can be used in a similar way to Twitter in terms of promoting content and generating overall awareness.

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The use of social media marketing has risen dramatically across all industries in recent months. Worldwide, there are more than 1.79 billion monthly, active Facebook users.

For marketers, social media platforms represent an opportunity to reach a targeted, captive audience in a fast-paced world of clicks, likes, shares, retweets and mentions. Traditionally, companies advertising to consumers would occupy the majority of this digital space. That trend is shifting, however, as more B2B companies are realizing the power of social media marketing as well.

Although social media marketing can be very beneficial for B2B businesses, it is important to execute these strategies through a focused, research-driven plan in order to elicit the best results. While consumer-facing social media content tends to be somewhat more spontaneous and creative, B2B social media marketing should focus on the business’ presence in the industry and ability to perform, etc.

Platforms that work well for B2B social media marketing are LinkedIn and Twitter. Although both have substantially fewer users than social media giant Facebook, they frequently provide a better opportunity to achieve B2B marketing goals.

So what should B2B social media marketing strive to accomplish?

First and foremost, social media marketing should help B2B organizations achieve greater brand awareness.

Whether it’s through LinkedIn, Twitter or even Facebook, social media platforms allow businesses to talk about their brand and to get it in front of a wide audience quickly. In creating awareness, B2B companies establish familiarity and positive attention through news, insights and industry information. Potential clients or customers are social media users as well. Getting in front of them creates awareness, which increases the likelihood of being able to connect with and ultimately do business with a potential customer. Sharing content and promoting it on these sites is easy, affordable and very trackable.

Second, social media marketing can help B2B organizations stimulate sales.

By first creating awareness with potential customers, B2B organizations are then able to more successfully convert sales…