8 Ways to Make Better Live Videos on Social Media

8 Ways to Make Better Live Videos on Social Media

8 Ways to Make Better Live Videos on Social Media. If you haven’t yet discovered the potential of live streaming on social media – now is a great time to get in on the action and include it in your web marketing strategy. Practice Makes Perfect The most common reason for hesitating to get started with live video streaming is camera shyness. At the most basic level, you’re going to want two pieces of equipment to improve your live videos: A decent microphone A sturdy tripod The quality of your audio makes a huge difference for live streaming so think about getting a good mic early on. Try testing out some different lighting techniques and see which one works best. Setting is also a very important consideration. Take the time to consider what viewers will be looking at in the background of your videos. Engage With Your Audience One of the best things about live streaming is that it allows you to have personalized interactions with your viewers. A great way to interact with a live audience is through an AMA (Ask Me Anything). Hopefully, with these tips, you will be well on your way to making engaging and visually attractive live videos that will net you more followers on social media and loyal customers for your business.

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8 Ways to Make Better Live Videos on Social Media

As many small business owners can tell you, it can be a significant challenge to get noticed on social media and begin building relationships and brand authority. With limited resources with which to work, getting the extra boost you need to grow rapidly and efficiently can overwhelm the best of us.

Have you ever found yourself wondering why those tantalizing recipe photos you keep posting don’t seem to be attracting enough interactions or why that cute bunny meme only netted you 3 likes on Facebook?

If you haven’t yet discovered the potential of live streaming on social media – now is a great time to get in on the action and include it in your web marketing strategy.

Live streaming platforms such as Facebook Live and Instagram Live are a fantastic way to build a lasting connection with your audience.

With the potential to reach 1.71 billion monthly active users on Facebook Live alone, there is absolutely no good reason to avoid using live video to market your business.

active users on Facebook Live

But before diving head-first into the live streaming pool, it’s important to learn how to swim. There are so many people in the pool already that it’s inevitable that some will drown while others rise to the top.

Here are 8 practical ways to make the best live videos you possibly can!

Practice Makes Perfect

The most common reason for hesitating to get started with live video streaming is camera shyness.

There’s no way around this – if you want to make engaging live videos, you need to familiarize yourself with being in front of a camera and get really comfortable talking to yourself.

The only way to do this is to practice, and then practice some more. This can be done with a mirror but I strongly suggest recording yourself and playing it back because this can help you spot weaknesses and fix them.

Everybody, even big-name Hollywood actors, gets a little nervous when looking into a camera. Luckily, with enough practice, you will start to feel at ease and naturally start talking to the camera as if it wasn’t even there.

Have An Outline

Who says you need to go in cold when doing live video?

Yes, spontaneity is basically inevitable when it comes to live streaming but there’s no rule that states you can’t prepare accordingly beforehand.

First, decide what topics and themes you want to cover in your video and what you want your audience to get out of it as well as what actions you want them to perform after it.

Make a quick outline for each video so you know which direction you’re heading in when recording and don’t end up fumbling for words mid-way through. Your outline should include any calls to action you plan to include to get your viewers to…