How to Tap Into Emotions and Boost Your Content Marketing

How to Tap Into Emotions and Boost Your Content Marketing

But what about your readers’ emotional needs? Now, the rest of my job is to engage you, to continue to feed your emotions, and move you along in two ways: If the goal is increased brand awareness, relationship building, and sharing of valuable and practical information, then I am looking to compel and engage the emotions of my readers to the extent that they will want to share. At this point that customer is still in an emotional stage, so continuing to appeal to their emotions will achieve that engagement. They enjoy an intimate and authentic experience with vloggers, and also say they appreciate YouTube stars’ more candid sense of humor. If your goal for this piece of content is not to sell but to increase awareness and brand recognition, then you want that reader to share the content. To do this, you have to “hang out” with them: Create a demographic from your current customer base, and use that demographic to develop a profile. And if you use humor on all of your social media pages, you will continue to increase your number of followers. Here is a brilliant example of a successful company using humor on social media. One last comment on this one: You have to know your audience and your humor must be appropriate for them. Don’t neglect the emotions of your audience Sometimes content marketers get so caught up in the latest technology and SEO techniques, analyzing traffic and the content itself – they forget that buying is about 85% emotional and only 15% logical.

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Emotions in content marketing






Emotions are an integral part of our everyday life. So if you have chosen the work as a content marketer you need to know how to discover these emotions, and uncover their raw ingredients. Embrace them, dig deeper and offer a way out the other side.

We are always trying to understand why some content goes viral and rises to the top – and some flops. Up until now we have focused on the content itself – optimizing it for search and sharing, then desperately hoping it will get some attention.

But what about your readers’ emotional needs? The sense of belonging, ego, self-expression and obligation. There are ways to “tap” into these emotions and they should be a part of every content marketing strategy.

You have about 2 seconds to get people’s attention – that’s your first couple of sentences. My hope, for example, is that you were drawn in by my first sentence and lured down the page. Now, the rest of my job is to engage you, to continue to feed your emotions, and move you along in two ways:

  1. If the goal is increased brand awareness, relationship building, and sharing of valuable and practical information, then I am looking to compel and engage the emotions of my readers to the extent that they will want to share.
  2. If the goal is moving the visitor into the next phase toward a purchase, I will be using sales psychology and neuroscience to stimulate the emotional responses necessary to achieve certain actions (solving his/her problem or relieving the pain through purchasing the product or service I am selling).

The whole 2-second thing and beyond – Creating engagement

Once you have a potential customer’s attention, the next step is to engage that customer with the content you provide. At this point that customer is still in an emotional stage, so continuing to appeal to their emotions will achieve that engagement.

At this point you can use humor, fun, arousal of curiosity – address pain, fear, and/or anxiety over their problem – engage in story-telling. That works the room.

This idea of engagement through emotion is embedded in our make-up. This year Larry Kim, the founder of WordStream, explained the reasons content went viral. He discovered that very early on in that content, the following appeared:

There is a specific set of environmental elicitors that are consistently associated with inspiration. Positivity is one factor. When people feel good or entertained by what they read, they are far more likely to share what they have read and/or viewed.

  1. Shock and awe – facts or data that shock people are more likely to be shared.
  2. Hope is something we all want an extra dose of these days. Overall, information with a lot of inspiring words is more likely to go viral.
  3. Anger, fear, anxiety – there is something in human nature that wants to share what they are angry about and to comment on it when they share it. This in turn stimulates more commenting and sharing. The same goes for things that instill fear.1
Emotions for viral content marketing

Vlogs nowadays set the example of how people without any special education but having a great desire become popular and earn money via their short videos.

Joe Sugg is a popular daily YouTube vlogger, known for his gaming and comedy videos on his ThatcherJoe channel. He creates vlogs about his daily life for 4 million subscribers….