Fresh Approaches by Dutch Growth Hackers to boost businesses fast, coming to Dublin

Fresh Approaches by Dutch Growth Hackers to boost businesses fast, coming to Dublin

Fresh Approaches by Dutch Growth Hackers to boost businesses fast, coming to Dublin. What makes a growth hacker different from a marketer you ask? Today, growth hacking has evolved into more of a systematic process for achieving growth than merely a specific set of techniques. #BOIstartups –> <– — Ben O'Loughlin (@thebenoloughlin) January 17, 2017 What’s the Growth Hacker’s Secret to Achieving Exponential Growth? Well, it’s all about data. Measurement In growth hacking, everything we do starts with ensuring a solid measurement strategy is in place. Measurement allows us to distinguish between what really works and what’s merely a great sounding idea. Growth hackers use creative techniques to learn exactly what potential customers are already looking for — and then tailor their products and offerings accordingly. Traction Channels While traditional marketers like to launch products with a bang, appearing on all the billboards and the evening news; growth hackers like to take a much more focused approach. #growthhacking — RockBoost (@RockBoost) January 25, 2017 Chris Out Website | Twitter Chris is the co-founder and lead growth hacker at RockBoost.

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What makes a growth hacker different from a marketer you ask?

Well, first you mix creative marketers in with some data scientists (stir well), then you cross-breed them with computer programmers. Throw some product management into the mix, simmer on both sides, and what you get is a growth hacker. The term Growth Hacking was originally coined by a Silicon Valley marketer named Sean Ellis (yeah, the guy from Dropbox) in 2010. He used it to describe the many unconventional techniques savvy startups in the Valley were using to rapidly transition into multimillion dollar organizations.

It wasn’t quite traditional marketing, so he figured it needed a new name. Growth hacking consisted mostly of clever technical marketing tricks. Stuff traditional marketing professionals would never have thought of (or had the skills to implement). These hacks were highly successful until everyone else caught on — and so new ones became closely guarded secrets. Today, growth hacking has evolved into more of a systematic process for achieving growth than merely a specific set of techniques.

Register for FREE for @RockBoost‘s #GrowthHacking Evening at Bank of Ireland Trinty Workbench. #BOIstartups

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— Ben O’Loughlin (@thebenoloughlin) January 17, 2017

What’s the Growth Hacker’s Secret to Achieving Exponential Growth?

Well, it’s all about data. Many growth hackers will even say that data is their only real boss.

Through relentless experimentation, analysis and system optimization, growth hackers test a company’s value proposition, products and marketing channels until the data reveals the most effective methods for growing and engaging a company’s user base.

Here at RockBoost, we take a circular approach of continual ideation, prioritization, testing and analyzing results, with the ultimate aim of achieving a specific “One Metric That Matters” (OMTM).

That OMTM is an ambitious growth goal that might be measured in new clients, percent revenue growth or any other indicator a company finds important. It facilitates extreme focus on the mission while simultaneously allowing for unlimited creativity. It also ensures all departmental KPIs are in line with the overall growth objective. Using this model we’ve managed to achieve massive results for 70+ A-level organizations.

Unleash Growth in Any Type of Company with the RockBoost 7-Pillar Framework

Over time, we’ve documented the most important factors every company needs to consider if they want exponential growth. We call them RockBoost’s 7 Pillars of Growth Hacking….