Your Guide to Video Marketing: Crack the Video Code [Infographic]

Your Guide to Video Marketing: Crack the Video Code [Infographic]

Video is becoming a progressively more important component of online marketing strategy. It also explains how video can be used at various stages of a marketing funnel. Awareness stage. You can outline a problem that you're helping to solve, such as with an explainer video, but make sure to focus on your brand's core values, since the video may be a viewer's first interaction with your brand. Measure success by assessing view counts and view length. Consideration stage. Some 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it. Conversion stage. A personalized video will help you connect even more. Check out the full infographic to make your videos the most effective they can be:

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10 Trends Driving Visual Content Marketing in 2017 (Infographic)

Video is becoming a progressively more important component of online marketing strategy. But a key part to creating a successful video strategy is to know whom you’re targeting.

The team at digital marketing and analytics training company Digital Vidya put together an infographic that explores the power of video marketing and offers some best-practices to keep in mind. It also explains how video can be used at various stages of a marketing funnel.

Awareness stage. Videos made specifically for social media can help you get the word out about your brand. You can outline…