2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The July Prompts

2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The July Prompts

2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The July Prompts. Here are the Copyblogger Content Excellence prompts for this month. For those of you who haven’t joined us yet, each month in 2017 we’re providing a pair of prompts: one to make you more productive and one to improve your creativity or writing skill. The July Creativity Prompt Create two new types of content Producing content, like any creative work, has its own set of rhythms. At first, you have to work really hard to make anything you’re proud of. As you continue to put in the hours, stretch your creative boundaries, and focus on deliberate practice, you start to get pretty good. Then … maybe you get a tiny bit bored. And if you find some joy in the experiment, try two more new ideas next month. The July Productivity Prompt Find two more half hours Now that (in my hemisphere) we’re squarely into summer, the days are noticeably longer. You can use that time to work on your two new ideas or any creative work you’ve been wanting to pursue.

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2017 Content Excellence Challenge: July Prompts

Happy July! Here are the Copyblogger Content Excellence prompts for this month.

For those of you who haven’t joined us yet, each month in 2017 we’re providing a pair of prompts: one to make you more productive and one to improve your creativity or writing skill.

Feel free to try one prompt or both. You can join the fun anytime you like. And let us know about your experiences in the comments!

The July Creativity Prompt

Create two new types of content

Producing content, like any creative work, has its own set of rhythms.

At first, you have to work really hard to make anything you’re proud of.

As you continue to put in the hours, stretch your creative boundaries, and focus on deliberate practice, you start to get pretty good. Maybe even very good.

Then … maybe you get a tiny bit bored. You quit putting so much time in, and the cycle starts to move in the other direction.

The way to keep improving lies in changing things up. Keep changing the game for yourself. Not because you’re chasing some illusory time when you’ll be “good enough,” but because it’s fun to keep pushing toward the next level.

To that end, this month, I suggest you try two content types that are new to you.

You can vary the medium (text, infographic, audio, video) or…