The State of Social Media Influencer Marketing in 2017

The State of Social Media Influencer Marketing in 2017

As an entrepreneur, you must have thought a lot about your marketing campaign and considered how to make it both effective and affordable. Have you thought about incorporating it into your own marketing strategy for 2017? As previously mentioned, this is a trend that is only expected to grow. The chances are that you, like most people, ignore ads and that is exactly why social influencers can be useful. There is no way around it, with so many new brands competing for market share in 2017 (their number is growing as we write this), you need to promote your brand and ‘sell’ it to the influencer. Make sure you have everything branded – website and email address with your domain name or if you are just starting, make sure to choose the right domain name that will reflect your brand’s image. Then make sure that everything has the same design. Unless you have really deep pockets and can afford to spend over $500,000 on this (current rate). Make sure you click. 2017 is the year of influencer marketing.

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The State of Social Media Influencer Marketing in 2017

As an entrepreneur, you must have thought a lot about your marketing campaign and considered how to make it both effective and affordable. Or if you are about to venture into the world of entrepreneurship, it’s good to think about how you want your products to be represented to your potential customers.

You must have heard about influencer marketing. It is the current buzz. And as it seems, it will not be a passing fad, but a trend that it is only set to grow. Have you thought about incorporating it into your own marketing strategy for 2017?

Why should you do it?

Are you hesitant about this? Let us reassure you.

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As previously mentioned, this is a trend that is only expected to grow. According to surveys on different platforms, over 80% of marketers have already used this approach in 2016 and an amazing number of 94% found them useful. On top of that, even more of them are considering using this strategy in 2017.

Still not convinced? Think about how many times you were watching something on the TV and started using your phone during the commercial break. Or did something else instead? What about adblockers on your browsers? Have you got one installed? Do you read the promo material handed out to you or just throw it in the trash? The chances are that you, like most people, ignore ads and that is exactly why social influencers can be useful.

social media influencer
What is the first step?

Now that you are convinced it is the right way to go, let us discuss what you need to do before reaching out to an influencer.

First and foremost, you need to think about your personal brand. There is no way around it, with so many new brands competing for market share in 2017 (their number is growing as we write this), you need to promote your brand and ‘sell’ it to the influencer. Believe in it – if you don’t, no one will. Confidence in what you…