25 Ways to Market Your New Business on Little or No Money

25 Ways to Market Your New Business on Little or No Money

Luck has nothing to do with your success in marketing a new business or making sales. Reaching out directly to new customers might sound scary at first, but cold-calling is a proven way to make sales to customers who might not even know they needed your products or services. Display your products, hand out business cards, and distribute flyers advertising your services or products. The difference is you're sharing details of your company's products or services with your readers. Sharing high-quality, compelling content targeted to your ideal customers will drive traffic to your website. This allows you to start building a relationship with these ground-level potential customer base and move them down the sales funnel as soon as possible. You might offer a free trial (e.g., "first month free") or send a free sample in the mail. Affiliate marketers do the work for you by linking up with appropriate websites to promote your products or services. Providing value, increasing knowledge and sharing good practices raises brand awareness and builds trust. Follow up by sending sales emails.

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25 Ways to Market Your New Business on Little or No Money

If you’ve been in business before, you understand the challenges of getting customers through the door. In theory, it sounds easy. But in practice, it’s tough.

Luck has nothing to do with your success in marketing a new business or making sales. Incorporating creative ideas into your marketing strategies is the way forward.

The internet has broadened the options for new businesses hoping to reach more customers. In addition, it’s made it easier and more affordable. A simple Google search will reveal numerous case studies of successful startups. Many prospered by driving thousands of sales on a shoestring budget. However, the success stories don’t reveal what goes on behind the scenes — how innovators used their creativity to attract customers.

Whether you run a brick-and-mortar operation or an online business, the following ideas can help you pull in customers. The plan is to entice potential customers to inquire about your new business.

1. Invent a viral hashtag.

Brands today are likely to make more sales via social media than any other channel. Instagram and Facebook are two platforms customers use to discover new brands and products to follow. Those who find a way to go viral have the best chance to be discovered.

A business that invents a trendy hashtag can become the social-media darling everyone wants to patronize. Here are just two types of hashtags:

  • Controversial. If you think it could work for your brand and customer base, follow in the footsteps of Daniela Bregoli. She now has more than 8 million Instagram followers who key in to her #cashmeoutside catchphrase (still a popular meme).
  • Sensual. Nusret Gökçe is known for treating his meat affectionately. It earned him the nickname “Salt Bae.” His #saltbae Instagram videos attracted global attention when they went viral and earned him 5.9 million followers.

2. Guest-post for free.

You can extend your reach by seeking out and contacting top online publications in your industry. Offer to guest-post in exchange for having your name and business featured in their bio. This will expose your content to a larger audience and direct more attention to your website or preferred platforms.

3. Cold-call potential leads.

Reaching out directly to new customers might sound scary at first, but cold-calling is a proven way to make sales to customers who might not even know they needed your products or services. Just identify your target buyers and hit them up. Practice your sales pitch until you perfect it.

4. Meet new customers at events.

Because people are curious about new businesses and what these companies have to offer, attending events can be incredibly beneficial. Moreover, events often offer the opportunity to meet journalists and secure some much-needed press.

Find out how to set up your own booth or stand. Display your products, hand out business cards, and distribute flyers advertising your services or products. This is your chance to chat with the crowd, network and exchange contact details with potential customers.

5. Start a blog about your business.

Business blogging is similar to regular blogging. The difference is you’re sharing details of your company’s products or services with your readers.

Your business blog is an ideal platform to answer customers’ questions and give discounts, freebies and special offers as incentives and rewards. Sharing high-quality, compelling content targeted to your ideal customers will drive traffic to your website.

6. Use Facebook ads to reach customers.

Facebook ads are an effective means to reach new customers. Even better, these ads are cheap. Start with a daily budget of $5 and target a very specific audience to keep your costs down.

To nail this platform, learn how to run a successful Facebook ad campaign.

7. Build email funnels.

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to get repeat customers. Use your business blog to build a mailing list by encouraging your readers to subscribe. Nurturing your subscribers prepares them to become paying customers in the future.

Ideally, you’ll start collecting emails before you launch your product or service. This allows you to start building a relationship with these ground-level potential customer base and move them down the sales funnel as soon as possible.

8. Speak at events.

New business founders can get exposure by speaking at events. It’s easy to get a speaking gig if you’re able to demonstrate a great understanding of the event organizer’s goal.

This tactic not only creates value-added exposure for your business but also builds your credibility as a founder and a trusted resource in your industry or market space.

9. Rent a festival booth.

Cash in on spring and summer festivals. Start by researching local festivals, and speak with organizers to learn whether your customers are likely to attend the events.

It’s rare for a business to get a booth at Comic Con and come back without being swamped with sales and requests for press interviews.

Entice customers by giving out freebies in exchange for their email addresses. Promoting your brand at a booth while employing ingenuity and marketing savvy could produce a significant turnaround for your business.

10. Volunteer under your brand’s name.

Doing good for your community also benefits your business. Through a corporate social-responsibility campaign, your new business can open new doors…