The Benefits of Video Marketing in 2017. When it comes to actually utilizing the platform, you’ll find that the benefits of video marketing in 2017 far outweigh many other platforms for content. With that being said, here are a few of the major benefits that you can expect to find; Helping Customers Find YOU In an ever-changing digital world, the eternal struggle is always reaching your customers – cutting through the noise of cold calls, social media broadcasts, visual bombardments, and every other marketing and advertising piece we see daily. (Source). This major platform change from desktop consumption to mobile consumption has prompted an overall shift in the way we consume content as a whole today. Promoting Your Brand Online It’s widely known that Google stands as the world’s largest search engine however, what most people don’t realize is that YouTube ranks second. Breaking Through the Noise With Innovative Video Technology The mobile trend hasn’t been the only thing shaping the video platforms and usage, many other major changes in technology are drastically effecting it. With the introduction of 360-degree video, many consumers are given a completely new way to consume video content and as many as 29% of viewers chose 360-degree video over traditional formatting (Source). 360-degree video is just a single example of alternative video methods that excel at getting your content found online. Without a doubt, the main benefit of video content is the improved visibility for you given the change in the way people consume content on the internet.
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With many companies looking to find that last piece of their marketing plan that will help them be successful, many are turning to video marketing. Statistically, it’s no surprise since as many as 76% of business owners and marketers have said video has a direct impact on their business (Source).
When it comes to actually utilizing the platform, you’ll find that the benefits of video marketing in 2017 far outweigh many other platforms for content. With that being said, here are a few of the major benefits that you can expect to find;
Helping Customers Find YOU
In an ever-changing digital world, the eternal struggle is always reaching your customers – cutting through the noise of cold calls, social media broadcasts, visual bombardments, and every other marketing and advertising piece we see daily. When it comes to reaching your customers, four times as many consumers would rather watch a video than read about it. (Source)
This major rise in video consumption has been heavily attributed to mobile phone usage with just over 50% of all video plays being on mobile devices. (Source). This major platform change from desktop consumption to mobile consumption has prompted an overall shift in…