Here’s the thing though: In order to sell, you have to do something most won’t -- you have to be different. When asked about their competitors, almost every new client answers the question, “We don’t really have any.” Unfortunately, your prospects won’t see it that way. That makes you a commodity. What makes you different from your competitors? And how can you leverage that in your marketing so that you can excel at sales? Offer value in your Instagram bio Tell your prospective qualified audience why they should like your page and how it will benefit them. Make your posts and ads about your target audience, not you Focus on their needs and how you can uniquely meet them. Stand out by focusing on your target market instead. Be authentic Stop trying to be someone you’re not and instead be real with your audience. People want to do business with people they know, like and trust.
The following excerpt is from Kim Walsh Phillips’s book Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound
If you don’t take action, the product, program or service you offer won’t be able to help those who need it so much. You need to put yourself out there so your audience can be reached. One way to make this happen? Start selling. Don’t focus solely on follower growth through your Instagram account. You have to get to a stage of selling so you can receive an ROI from your Instagram marketing.
Here’s the thing though: In order to sell, you have to do something most won’t — you have to be different. You have to stop looking, sounding, and appearing the same as everyone else. You are different after all, so stop appearing just as your competitors do. Maybe you don’t think you do. Most of our private clients don’t realize it. When asked about their competitors, almost every new client answers the question, “We don’t really have any.”
Unfortunately, your prospects won’t see it that way. If your marketing isn’t showing up any differently, chances are you appear just like everyone else. That makes you a commodity. And commodities only compete on price. (Just ask Walmart how that’s going for them. “Being the cheapest sometimes on most of the days” is not a great distinction. I’m in Target twice a week, but I refuse to step into Walmart after way too many bad experiences.) What makes you different from your competitors? And how can you leverage that in your marketing so that you can excel at sales?