Tech Company Sees Rising Demand for Reverse Mortgage Video Marketing

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In response to a growing number of inquiries for reverse mortgage educational resources, one content marketing company has created a series of informational videos that teach consumers about Home Equity Conversion Mortgages.

This month, video content service Fast Forward Stories released a new “Reverse Mortgage Explainer Video Library”for mortgage companies, loan originators, credit unions and banks to use in their reverse mortgage marketing materials.

The library consists of 12 short videos that provide answers and basic run-throughs of the most common consumer questions about reverse mortgages, compiled in a visual, simple-language style.

“A video series on reverse mortgages has been the most-requested new library this year,” said Matthew Dunn, CEO of Fast Forward. “We received terrific assistance in research and terms clarifications from associations focused on reverse mortgages, and are delighted to bring this library to market.”

Fast Forward creates pre- and post-roll content, and provides instant branding for companies operating in the mortgage, real estate, title and insurance industries. With the addition to the new series for reverse mortgages, the company now offers over 175 licensable “explainer” videos.

The age-old proverb among marketers is that content is king. This statement is especially true for video marketing, which recent data indicates is the most preferred medium through which consumers learn about a company’s products or services.

“Video is the key competitive asset for consumer attention now, especially on networks like Facebook,” Dunn said.

About four times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it, and almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a certain product or service before visiting a store, according to data compiled by HubSpot, a Boston-based provider of inbound marketing and sales software.

Additionally, while 90% of users say that product videos are helpful in their decision process, HubSpot found that nearly two-thirds of consumers prefer videos under 60 seconds. Less than a minute in length, the brevity of Fast Forward’s reverse mortgage shorts fall into this wheelhouse.

“Conventional explainer-video production is slow—a 12-video library could easily take six months,” Dunn said. “We’ve reduced that to less than 60 seconds to brand and deliver the entire set.”

Fast Forward’s 12- video library for reverse mortgages is currently available for mortgage companies and professionals to download at the company’s webpage, with pricing varying depending on licensing.

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