4 Strategies for Managing a Multi-Cultural Working Crew [Infographic]

4 Strategies for Managing a Multi-Cultural Working Crew [Infographic]

Author: Alan Rita / Source: Business 2 Community Entrepreneurs these days are focusing more in forging teams with people from different pl

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Entrepreneurs these days are focusing more in forging teams with people from different places in the world alongside with various areas of expertise prior putting all efforts in building a reliable brand. We may wonder then, why is so important to rely on the services of people that, most probably, you haven’t got the chance to meet face-to-face rather than using Skype or other video chat services. The answer relies on the opportunities HR managers come across platforms like Freelancer, Upwork and so on, where tonnes of talented people from different places of the globe fill their curriculums and apply for job proposals while looking for a chance to showcase their expertise.

Then, and as many people would say, cultural differences – not to mention time zone gaps – can lead to multiple scenarios in which we need to set clear action plans for succeeding in our path towards crafting a well-respected brand worldwide. Let’s put in practice some easy-to-follow strategies to get the most of this cultural mix of hard working people!

1. Use tracking apps for boosting productivity

There is a notorious inconvenience with time zone gaps, and that relies on the fact that for some companies we are speaking of nearly 12-hour time difference, where it is almost impossible to coordinate simultaneous working shifts without altering sleeping habits from one of the affected parts.

Instead, you can always assign tasks to be done via apps like Meistertask, where multiple projects can be managed, projects can host several users with different tasks assigned at the same time, and mostly because of two key features of Meistertask:

  1. Smartphone integration: for setting up notifications and reminders
  2. Tracking time-span for completing each task

2. Avoid losing data by implementing Cloud services

Another important element to consider when looking for working optimisation is to acquire the services of Cloud storage providers like…