Rex Tillerson’s Alleged Fatigue In Asia Trip Has Social Media Comparing Him To Hillary Clinton

Rex Tillerson’s Alleged Fatigue In Asia Trip Has Social Media Comparing Him To Hillary Clinton

Author: Shawn Rice / Source: Business 2 Community Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly was suffering fatigue during his first trip

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly was suffering fatigue during his first trip to Asia. Though he disputed that account those on social media were comparing him in a mocking way to Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

Some took issue with the media’s lack of presence with Tillerson as he reportedly opted not to have a meal with his South Korean counterparts because of “fatigue,” according to a line buried toward the end of an article in The Korea Herald. This is Tillerson’s first trip to Asia as secretary so it is noteworthy and the fact that it was only known through the accounts of anonymous “Seoul officials” via a foreign outlet is noteworthy in and of itself.

Here are some reactions on social media to Tillerson’s alleged “fatigue.”

Footage of Hillary Clinton learning that Rex Tillerson is cutting his first Asia trip short due to “fatigue”…

Hey, Sec. Rex Tillerson, you haven’t been on the job due 2 fatigue? If you can’t handle the position, resign. You can sleep all u want then!

.@HillaryClinton as Secretary of State: Traveled 956,733 miles over 4 years.
Rex Tillerson: Cuts first trip to Asia short due to “fatigue”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson cuts short his trip…