8 Holiday Content Ideas for Busy Marketers

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While you’d probably love to slow down and smell the pine during the holiday season, let’s be honest—that’s usually not an option for marketers. It’s crunch time and you’re working hard to tie up loose administrative ends, manage holiday campaigns and prepare to start the New Year stronger than ever.

But despite your busy schedule, you’re always on the hunt for ways to boost your content marketing efforts. Am I right?

Well to help you out, below are a handful of last-minute content marketing ideas that are easy to execute and keep you connected with your audience through the holiday season.

#1 – Create a roll-up post featuring your most popular blog posts of the year.

Highlighting your most popular blog posts of the year is a great way to give your audience a nice recap of the great content you’ve created, as well as send a little extra readership to those posts.

For many marketers this is a go-to piece of content during the holiday season, but there are certainly ways to make yours stand out. For each post you feature, provide a brief summary of what it was all about and link to the article to make it easy for people to read more. In addition, consider adding interesting reader comments or pull tweetable quotes from the article that are easy to share.

As an example, TopRank Marketing recently published a series of these roll-up posts by tactic, featuring our most popular posts on social media marketing, content marketing and influencer marketing.

Holiday Content Marketing Ideas -

#2 – Recap interesting industry news items from the past year.

The holiday season is a time of reflection. So why not give your audience a little reminder of the interesting, strange or even controversial industry news items that made headlines in the past year?

TechCrunch recently published a piece on the top biotech stories of the year in a unique timeline format. Upfront it provides a high-level view of what’s to come and then invites readers to “strap in” for a ride down memory lane.


If you don’t have time to create an interactive piece like TechCrunch, use the same format suggested for the roll-up piece above. But beyond providing a brief summary and link, consider adding your own perspectives on the subject or predictions for what you believe is to come next.

#3 – Connect your content to iconic holiday themes and symbols.

Marketers are always looking for ways to connect their content to…