Getting to know a #CMWorld 2017 attendee: Kathryn Hawkins

Getting to know a #CMWorld 2017 attendee: Kathryn Hawkins

Author: Cathy McPhillips / Source: It’s back! Our attendee interview series was a big hit as we prepared for CM

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It’s back! Our attendee interview series was a big hit as we prepared for CMWorld 2016, and we’re excited to bring it back in 2017! Every other week until Content Marketing World (September 5-8, 2017 in Cleveland, OH, USA) we’ll give you the chance to get to know one of our attendees, what led them to CMWorld, what their challenges are, who they’d like to meet while in town, and some other interesting facts like a favorite book. Read on, get to know Kathryn, and stay tuned for more exciting stories in the coming months. With the CMWorld 2017 theme being “A World of Stories,” we’re thrilled that our attendees from all over the world can share their stories with us here on the CMWorld blog. Enjoy!

Kathryn Hawkins

What is your main reason for attending, and how many years will this make for you?

I’m coming to CMWorld to learn from experts and colleagues on new trends in the industry and to make the most of the opportunity to meet fellow content marketers, and even some of our clients, face-to-face. Living in Maine, we rarely have the opportunity to talk content marketing in person, so conferences provide a fantastic opportunity to meet with peers, particularly CMWorld. It’s such an intelligent, supportive group of people, and the programming is incredible. This will be my second year attending.

How has your career path led you to content marketing?

I started out with an MFA in poetry and creative nonfiction, and worked from there as a freelance journalist. I continued freelancing while working remotely as a content editor and digital marketer for a funded startup website in L.A., where I had the chance to teach myself about SEO and social media. It was a natural progression to hone in on content marketing, where our team focuses heavily on both creating high-quality journalism, while also paying close attention to the content and distribution strategy, to ensure that the content is not only awesome, but that it’s doing its job.

If you had the opportunity for a do-over, what career would you be in today?

My childhood dreams of becoming a professional gymnast were dashed by the fact that I’m now 5’8. That said, I’m really happy with where my career has taken me—my partner Jeff and I have the chance to head an incredibly talented team, and to collaborate with cutting-edge clients around the globe. At some point, I’d like to author a book as well, but there’s still plenty of time for that.

What is your biggest content marketing challenge?

Our biggest challenge on the client side is in getting the buy-in to invest in strategy before jumping straight into deliverables. Many companies are so…