Seven fascinating stats on ecommerce and cart abandonment

Seven fascinating stats on ecommerce and cart abandonment. The stats below give an idea of just how effective SMS can be. 2: Which Days Have Most Abandonments? Based on data from more than 1 billion abandoned carts, we know that Tuesday is the ‘worst’ day of the week for cart abandonment. 3: Add to Cart Rates by Device Add to cart rates are highest on desktop and tablet devices (10.4% and 10.3% respectively). Overall conversion rates were 2.5% for Q3 2016. The chart below shows sales patterns compare to a ‘normal’ shopping day, as well as the peak times for during the Black Friday weekend. The peak period for completed sales was between 8 and 10am on Black Friday morning, while the second peak happened on Monday evening as the sales were coming to a close. So the reasons for abandonment are different from retail. Indeed, the top two reasons are around research and price comparison while retail abandonment tends to be about checkout process issues.

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With the end of 2016 fast approaching, we list some of the best ecommerce and cart abandonment stats we’ve seen this year.

1: SMS Remarketing

This year we won at the MOMA Awards for our work with Firefly on SMS Remarketing. The stats below give an idea of just how effective SMS can be.


2: Which Days Have Most Abandonments?

Based on data from more than 1 billion abandoned carts, we know that Tuesday is the ‘worst’ day of the week for cart abandonment.

Fewest abandonments happen on a Saturday between 8 and 9pm, while abandonment is lowest around Christmas and similar sale periods, as people have less reason to delay purchases.

3: Add to Cart Rates by Device

Add to cart rates are highest on desktop and tablet devices (10.4% and 10.3% respectively). Overall conversion rates were 2.5% for Q3 2016.


4: Reasons for Cart Abandonment

Unexpected shipping costs, perhaps revealed late…