Meet the CMI & #CMWorld Team: Laura Kozak

Meet the CMI & #CMWorld Team: Laura Kozak

Meet the CMI & #CMWorld Team: Laura Kozak. That person at CMI is Laura Kozak, one of the longest-running CMI team members. And, she’s pretty fun to spend time with too! Explain your role at CMI. Connecting with first-time attendees is always fun, they are just so in awe and I like to be able to fill them in on all the things they shouldn’t miss while they are here at the conference. I also would also love to connect with more of the UBM events team, while I love working remotely and the flexibility that brings, you sometimes feel a bit disconnected from your fellow employees. Besides content marketing, what other niche could you write about? Besides being a Harry Potter geek, I love all things dance. I love going to the ballet or any Broadway show, and So You Think You Can Dance is must-see TV for me! Thanks for taking time to do this, Laura!

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Who is that person at your company that knows everything about everything, that gives you that reality check on why your brilliant idea hasn’t been thought of before (it has, and here’s 10 reasons why we can’t do that right now)…or takes your idea and helps execute it better than you ever could have expected? That person at CMI is Laura Kozak, one of the longest-running CMI team members. CMI wouldn’t be the same without Laura’s experience and knowledge, as well as her down to earth, approachable personality. And, she’s pretty fun to spend time with too!

Explain your role at CMI. What kinds of things do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I’m the Girl Friday of CMI. I started out as an administrative assistant which morphed into my current role of eMedia Manager. I manage most aspects of the day-to-day maintenance of all our website properties. I also am in charge of implementing the online sponsor campaigns along with helping in operations as needed.

What makes you the most excited about work each day?

Usually that there is always something new that I learn, whether it is a trick for the website or some advice received from one of our blog posts, I feel like I am always growing and I love that!

What is your background, and how did it lead you into content marketing?

I used to work for a trade-show display manufacturer so I had been in the event/conference space since the 90s. After I became a Mom though, I decided to stay home with the kids for a while. When my youngest was getting ready to start Kindergarten, my friend Pam Kozelka reached out and asked if I wanted to help out with CMI and I was thrilled to…