The App That Few Marketers Are Talking About (But Probably Should Be)

In fact, it’s happening earlier than age 9, believe it or not. For all I know, some kids might have had phones when they were in kindergarten! Yes,–not Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook is the app of choice among these young people. If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 7-13 you undoubtedly know what I’m talking about. Musically (launched in 2014) now has: 200 million registered users 40 million active users 12 million videos uploaded per day Now, those stats pale in comparison to platforms like Snapchat (301 monthly active users), Instagram Stories (200 million monthly active users) and even Twitter (313 million active monthly users). But, we’re talking about a platform that was just introduced three years ago. So, why hasn’t Musically been working with more brands on activations? Here’s another interesting angle to this whole thing: the impact it is having (and will continue to have) on this next generation of video creators. Meanwhile, Gen Z will be the first generation to grow up entirely with: wi-fi virtually everywhere, a phone with them at all times (after the age of 7, apparently), and video editing tools at their fingertips. Gen Z is learning how to do these kinds of things when they’re 9 years old.

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My daughter is nine (soon to be 10). And, apparently, age 9 is now the socially acceptable time to ask for (and in many cases, receive) a phone.

In fact, it’s happening earlier than age 9, believe it or not. Some of her friends had phones TWO YEARS AGO (yep–second grade folks). For all I know, some kids might have had phones when they were in kindergarten!

Put aside that fact for a moment–today,I want to talk a little about the app those 5-18-year-old girls and boys are using so much (more girls than boys):

Yes,–not Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook is the app of choice among these young people. If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 7-13 you undoubtedly know what I’m talking about.

And if you don’t, maybe these stats will help paint the picture. Musically (launched in 2014) now has:

  • 200 million registered users
  • 40 million active users
  • 12 million videos uploaded per day

Now, those stats pale in comparison to platforms like Snapchat (301 monthly active users), Instagram Stories (200 million monthly active users) and even Twitter (313 million active monthly users). But, we’re talking about a platform that was just introduced three years ago. And, it’s targeting a younger audience set that is just now getting phones (remember those seven-year-olds!).

And, it’s a platform that’s growing leaps and bounds. It had just 80 million DAUs in Sept. 2016. By the end of 2016, that number was at 130 million. And, now I’ve heard has 200 million registered users. Forbes recently reported registered users tripled…