6 Off Page SEO Strategies That Will Rank You on Page One of Google

6 Off Page SEO Strategies That Will Rank You on Page One of Google

Instead, you need the best links possible. Do you want to know how to find those links? Don’t make the mistake of asking for a link during your first email outreach campaign. So sure, the company gets a backlink. You can (and should) give away your product for free in exchange for a review. But more importantly, you’ll increase brand awareness, traffic back to your site, and new customers. These reviews can also help explain how your product works, too, so people can see what it looks like without actually signing up themselves. For example, we can take a software product like Kissmetrics… … and pitch it to a few bloggers or websites that already review similar products like it. So the company got a nice link back to its site, but it’s also gained exposure to tons of new potential customers at the same exact time. Featured influencer strategy Let’s go back to the B2B space to provide one more foolproof tactic to acquiring high-DA backlinks.

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Not all links are created equal.

That means that you can’t just focus on getting the most links possible.

Instead, you need the best links possible.

A link from Entrepreneur.com is going to dominate a link from JohnsLinkBuildingFarm.com any day of the week.

A site with 100 high-quality backlinks can outperform other sites with more if they’ve only been scraping the bottom of the link-building barrel.

The best links also have another hidden benefit.

Many times, they won’t just give you a little SEO boost. You’ll also get increased brand awareness and credibility. You’ll get referral traffic back to your site. And you might even get some new customers or clients, too.

So the ROI on an awesome link is definitely worth the extra effort.

Do you want to know how to find those links?

Here are six of my favorite tactics that you can start replicating this week.

1. Start by finding pre-curated lists of blogs

What if I told you that someone, somewhere has already curated and developed a list of the top industry sites and blogs for your niche?

That way, all you had to do was find those ‘lists of lists’ to instantly get hundreds of high-quality backlink opportunities.

Would you believe it?

You should, because it’s actually a common practice.

Just do a simple Google search for “best XYZ blogs,” and you’ll see what I mean.

Here, I’ll show you how to tap into this potential gold mine of backlink opportunities to skyrocket your rankings.

Let’s pick “best nutrition blogs 2017” to find the most recent possibilities in the health field.

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Let me explain why this is important.

If you’re a health or nutrition blogger (or even if your product or service remotely touches on the nutrition sector), you can simply pull up ‘lists of lists’ like this to find that people have already done the hard work for you.

Other bloggers have already curated the results. So all you have to do now is go through them, pull out the ones with the best potential, and instantly gain access to hundreds of targets for potential outreach.

That’s hundreds of new relationships waiting to be kindled and countless links waiting for you to snag.

Next up, let’s click on one of the articles to see how you’d filter through all of these results.

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Immediately, you’ll see a treasure chest of data.

Here are 50 of the best blogs in your space with links to their sites and short descriptions.

Now you can assess whether they’d be a good fit (or not) for partnering in some way to get a backlink.

It doesn’t even have to be formal or complex. You could simply offer the blogger a free version of your product in exchange for a review. That way, it doesn’t even cost you anything out of pocket!

Here’s how to analyze the website’s potential.

Pull up an SEO tool like Ahrefs and plug in the domain to pull up the site’s domain and page authority.

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These two metrics are simple quality scores that tell you how ‘strong’ a website’s link profile looks.

Ahrefs will even tell you how many backlinks the site has and how long it’s been around.

Now, create a spreadsheet with this data so that you can prioritize which ones to start reaching out to. You’ll also use the spreadsheet to track your results.

Keep something in mind: Not all bloggers will respond back. That’s okay.

Don’t make the mistake of asking for a link during your first email outreach campaign. The key to success lies in building a worthwhile, mutually-beneficial relationship with these bloggers.

To avoid sounding needy or greedy, send a ‘warm-up’ email to encourage the blogger to respond. You can then follow up over time with emails two, three, four, and so on to eventually get what you want.

Don’t look at it as a one-way street, either. A blogger can help you gain access to a new audience, but you can also help the blogger by promoting his or her site. Make it a give-and-take relationship.

2. Give more testimonials to companies you like

This one is so easy it almost shouldn’t count.

Think about it for a second.

Almost every single person on the internet (92% of consumers) reads online reviews before purchasing items they want or need.

Almost the same number (88% of consumers) will then trust those online reviews as much as they would a referral from a relative or friend.

And testimonials from customers can help “generate 62% more revenue from every customer, every visit,” according to BigCommerce.

bazaarvoice customer testimonials

Can you believe those numbers?!

Basically, every company with a website now has to have customer reviews and testimonials.

That’s good news for you!

Because you can help companies whose products and services you already use and love by leaving testimonials. In return, you gain access to one of the easiest ways to skyrocket your high-quality backlinks.

For example, HubSpot’s known for having a huge case-study section on its website. HubSpot’s always on the lookout for new customer testimonials to show off, like this one:

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That’s not a bad backlink for about five minutes of your time!

Are you not a HubSpot customer? No problem, because as I said, almost every single company is on the constant lookout for more reviews.

Just look at HubSpot’s marketing automation competitor, Marketo, which has published dozens of in-depth case studies:

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Each of these case studies also features information about the company. So it’s like a built-in sales pitch, too!

You get to include a video and details about how you help other people.

The backlink opportunity is awesome, but these case studies can even help you drive leads.

Here’s one more example for the road on Slack’s website.

Go to the “Customer Stories” section of its site and scroll down to read the individual case study for one of its customers. We’ll use “Ticketmaster” for the purposes of demonstration.

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This case study page gives Ticketmaster its own in-depth page on Slack’s site.

So sure, the company gets a backlink. But it’s also getting so much more (for free!) when you think about it.

Let’s check out what it looks like now.

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All three examples here (HubSpot, Marketo, and Slack) have extremely high domain authority because they’re huge brands with millions of…