5 Killer Online Marketing Strategies for Law Firms

5 Killer Online Marketing Strategies for Law Firms. Instead, focus on two things: (1) where your potential clients are, and (2) what you can measure. Use Facebook ads. Capture leads with what you know. If your law firm website is not already optimized for mobile, make that happen fast. Mobile-friendly sites perform better in search results and also provide a better user experience for prospects. Automate your lead conversion. A comprehensive law firm marketing program that embraces multiple marketing tools – SEO, PPC, ads, email marketing, social media, blogs, etc. Mid-sized law firms are losing millions. Lost leads also hurt your reputation with your referral sources if they supplied the referral and your team doesn’t follow through on the lead.

Jeeves Law Group: How content marketing helps law firms attract clients
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New White Paper Reveals the Changing Nature of Legal Services Marketing
The Rainmaker Institute
NAMWOLF Business Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 12-14, 2017
NAMWOLF Business Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 12-14, 2017

Certainly by now we can all agree that the Internet has transformed the legal industry, from how you market your law firm to how legal services are delivered. Still, for many lawyers, the Internet is a confusing place with so many options that can either make you or break you.

So let me help simplify things for you. Here are five online marketing strategies that are gold when it comes to delivering leads and boosting your brand:

Laptop on a desk, Online Marketing

Narrow your choices. Unless you have an unlimited marketing budget, you can’t do it all — SEO, social media, pay-per-click, content marketing, email marketing, etc. If you throw a little bit at everything — the shotgun approach — you are wasting your money. Instead, focus on two things: (1) where your potential clients are, and (2) what you can measure. You have to be able to measure your success (or failure) to discover what works for your area of practice and to be able to…