Marketing Automation In Asia: What You Need To Know In 2017

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Martin Hiesboeck, digital marketing director at Geber Brand Consulting (Credit: Martin Hiesboeck)
Martin Hiesboeck, digital marketing director at Geber Brand Consulting (Credit: Martin Hiesboeck)

When it comes to marketing automation in Asia, “there’s a rift between what marketers know is possible and what companies can and want to do,” says Martin Hiesboeck, digital marketing director at Taiwan-based Geber Brand Consulting.

In this piece, we’ll look at the state of marketing automation in Asia, the challenges in embracing it and the opportunities it creates.

Where The Players In This Game Stand

According to Hiesboeck, “most international agencies follow top marketers in the West for the latest trends and strategies. They can name the latest automation tools, from HubSpot to CoSchedule. They know how to use Google Analytics and how to address custom audiences using the Facebook Pixel.”

“They know what a personalized Snapchat account can do for your brand. They know how to use Commerce Connector to get people to buy products, instead of lurking on a brand’s website,” says Hiesboeck.

So why aren’t more Asian firms embracing digital? Many clients in Asia may have never heard of such tools as marketing automation comes from the U.S.

“Unaware of marketing automation, many companies in Asia are still stuck in the ‘build me a website and pray that they’ll come’ age,” says Hiesboeck.

He shares an example of when he introduced the following automation tools for social media marketing to skeptical customers:

“All these were perceived as ‘black boxes’ you can’t trust,” says Hiesboeck.

He says that after convincing clients that automation tools…