Top B2B content marketing metrics for 2017

A new year brings new metrics. A content marketing strategy starts from your site and the unique visitors indicate the actual traffic you gained through your content. If your site’s bounce rate is high, this means that visitors are not interested enough to explore more pages of content. What can you learn from your bounce rate or the time spent on your site? Is it time to re-evaluate your content strategy? It may be time to pay more attention to your CTA and the way you add links to your email campaigns, in order to increase your click rate and thus, the traffic back to your site (or any landing page). Unsubscribes and opt-outs As with bounce rate, unsubscribes and opt-outs mark the lack of interest from recipients to keep receiving your email newsletters. This is the best type of approval and it shows that your target audience appreciates the content enough to feel the need to be involved in it. Moreover, this may help you calculate how your existing leads react to your content, giving you a better understanding on the evaluation of your content marketing strategy. What types of content work better for your target audience?

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A new year brings new metrics. Or maybe it’s just a good reminder that you need to evaluate your existing KPIs.

Which B2B content marketing metrics should you add in 2017?

It’s the perfect time of the year to evaluate your content marketing strategy and focus on the latest trends that will take your B2B marketing plan to the next level.

How about starting with the metrics that you need to pay closer attention to from now on?

A content marketing strategy starts from your site and the unique visitors indicate the actual traffic you gained through your content.

It may not be enough to measure all your content marketing efforts, but it’s still the starting point for you to examine whether you managed to increase the interest towards your site’s content.

If the site’s traffic indicates the interest towards your content, then a high bounce rate indicates the exact opposite. If your site’s bounce rate is high, this means that visitors are not interested enough to explore more pages of content.

If you want to lower your bounce rate, you might need to examine the content that led to the highest rate of engagement.

What differentiated it from the rest of it? How can you improve your content from now on to maintain your audience’s interest?

Along with the bounce rate, you can also monitor the time spent on your site, in order to examine the length of the average visit.

What can you learn from your bounce rate or the time spent on your site? Is it time to re-evaluate your content strategy?

If you’re aiming for a local content marketing strategy, then it’s crucial to pay attention to the location of your visitors.

Do they reflect your target audience? How can you make your content more locally-focused?

What if there’s a new opportunity to expand your business to a new location?

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