4 Unusual E-Commerce Growth Hacks To Outdo The Competition

While every business is focused on growth, growth hacking is giving this growth "wings." Growth hacking mainly revolves around developing and running tests, campaigns to find out which channels, segment, ads work the best and to focus on them to achieve rapid growth. Most people who generate content believe that if they produce useful content, people will share. Another way to make people share your product is giving them rewards. To make people interested, you have to think of something creative and unusual which people have never seen before. Most e-commerce business owners make a simple mistake while doing a retargeting campaign; they show a generic banner with dull offers to the people who have not completed their purchase. One of the ideas to make your retargeting content stand out is showing customer testimonials in the ad. The customer did not buy the product because the content on the website failed to impress them, and if you show the same message in the ad as well, it won't work to its full potential. Another idea is to use video in your retargeting campaign. If you have not yet purchased the product you were looking for, you might want to give us a second chance.

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Growth hacking is a fancy term which exploded in the last five years among marketers, SAAS (software as a service) companies, and tech entrepreneurs. While the word growth hacking may seem esoteric, it is a simple concept. It is the notion that every strategy, action, idea that you develop and implement for your business revolves around growth. While every business is focused on growth, growth hacking is giving this growth “wings.”

The whole point of growth hacking is to get enormous growth on a shoe-string budget.

The whole point of growth hacking is to get enormous growth on a shoe-string budget. Growth hacking mainly revolves around developing and running tests, campaigns to find out which channels, segment, ads work the best and to focus on them to achieve rapid growth.

As growth hacking focuses on developing low-cost strategies, any business can use it. It is not limited to SAAS companies and tech-savvy marketers. Even a small e-commerce business can use it to fuel its growth.

Viral is vital

The best growth hack out there is making your product or brand viral. How to make something go viral? Get more and more people sharing it! Well, it is not that simple, though. We marketers and business owners would like to believe that the web is ruled by us, but in reality, it is ruled by funny cat memes and the weird-coloured dress.

To get the maximum reach at the lowest possible cost, your campaign should revolve around shareability. The best growth hack examples out on the web have shareability at their core. So, how to make a content shareable and viral? Most people who generate content believe that if they produce useful content, people will share. But that is far from reality.

To produce content which has the smallest chance of going viral you have to be creative and different from rest of the herd. Viral content has the following characteristics:

• Surprising

• Interesting

• Intense (it makes you go “Oh!”)

• Positive

• Actionable

If you have created a video which revolves around how awesome your product is and how useful its features are, no one will be interested. Instead, think creative. Make a video keeping the above factors in mind, but don’t try to sell your products. Keep it natural. No one likes being sold to.

Another way to make people share your product is giving them rewards. Everyone loves to be rewarded and when the reward comes with just a click, why not? Dropbox is a very well-known example in growth hacking. They gave rewards to people sharing Dropbox services with their friends in the form of additional storage space. It worked like magic.

If you have created a video which revolves around how awesome your product is and how useful its features are, no one will be interested.

Rewards can also be offered in the form of contests. Most of the people reading this will say contests doesn’t work. If you think so, you are wrong! Contests are still one of the best ways to make people share. The contest works if it is executed correctly and coupled with the right content.

Growth hack tips to rock your contest:

• Start with an exciting prize— of course, the more valuable the product, the more attention it will get. Think outside the box and give away products which your customers like and not the one which you want to sell.

• Make the participants share the giveaway. Make ads for the giveaway and ask participants to share it. This way you will reach two times more people than normal.

• Partner with a company which sells related products for the giveaway—ask them to promote the contest on their sales channels and split the leads. This way you get to give a more valuable prize, double promotion, and more leads at half the cost. This is the BEST method for a small e-commerce business wanting to do a giveaway.

Unconventional PR

Let’s face it. PR can make you or break you. Going unconventional is higher risk and can cost you time and money, but if executed successfully, you will never have to worry about your sales.

“With great risks comes greater returns” – Batman, entrepreneur and growth hacker.

What does unconventional PR mean? It means creating a buzz about your business or product in every possible way, even if it makes a lot of people or your competitors angry.

When we discuss unconventional PR, we have to mention Richard Branson. Richard Branson is the master of unconventional PR. He turned…