Which Mobile Messaging Channels to Use in Which Real-World Situations

Let's evaluate some ways you can use mobile messaging to communicate with customers so that they stay involved and you retain an ongoing opportunity to strengthen your business relationship with them. Or you have news you want to share—perhaps a new product or feature. With mobile, there are many ways you can reach customers with those and other messages. Mobile Messaging Channels If you have an app, at least four mobile messaging channels are available to you. Email: You have email addresses for your app users, and this communication channel remains an effective way to reach mobile customers. In-app messaging: These are messages your users receive from you when they're using your app. Therefore, be certain you're pushing out a great offer that your users will perceive as valuable so they will keep this option of push notifications open to you. Putting your offer in your news feed is an excellent companion to push notification because it will be there for all of your users to discover. Even if they see it after your promotional offer has expired, they'll get the idea that you put offers in the news feed, and that in itself may build user interest in that feature of your app. Requesting a User Rating The mere fact that people are using your app makes in-app messaging an effective way to reach your most active users.

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If you have an app, it may be one of your most valuable connections with your customers. Getting someone to download your app is a great beginning, but it’s not enough for a business/customer relationship. To be successful with mobile marketing, you need to engage with your users: You want them to be customers—to use your products or services or to buy your merchandise.

Fortunately, you have various ways (think of them as channels) to connect with your mobile audience.

Let’s evaluate some ways you can use mobile messaging to communicate with customers so that they stay involved and you retain an ongoing opportunity to strengthen your business relationship with them.

First, think about the value that mobile messaging brings. Your users are busy with their lives, yet you want them to remember you. Perhaps you’re having a sale; you’ve lowered prices to try to move product quickly, and the more people you can reach with that message, the better.

Or you have news you want to share—perhaps a new product or feature. You want to share that information and get your customers excited about that product or feature, or to use it.

Or maybe you want to reach users to ask them to rate your performance. Getting ratings (don’t we all hope for five stars?) lets us know how we’re doing and hopefully also influences other users to download the app or try our product or service. Mobile messaging is an excellent way to ask for ratings after your user has made a purchase or had other interaction via your app.

Those are just three examples. With mobile, there are many ways you can reach customers with those and other messages.

Mobile Messaging Channels

If you have an app, at least four mobile messaging channels are available to you. Let’s look at each.

  1. Email: You have email addresses for your app users, and this communication channel remains an effective way to reach mobile customers.
  2. In-app messaging: These are messages your users receive from you when they’re using your app. Depending on how your app is set up, messages may be in a message center or they may pop up while your customer is using the app.
  3. News feeds: If your app has a news feed feature, it provides you with a way to give your message a longer life than a pop-up message….