9 Evergreen Content Formats for Long-Term Success [Examples]

9 Evergreen Content Formats for Long-Term Success [Examples]

These content types can work well for evergreen content that does well with your audience and in search engines. Don’t be deceived by the 2018 reference in Brian Dean’s SEO Tools: The Complete List (2018 Update). Infographics Some infographics simply explain a process or system, which makes them ideal candidates for evergreen content. Q&A interviews Create an elaborate Q&A with one of your in-house experts or interview someone else in your industry. Though research likely contains dated content, you can use it to create evergreen content. TIP: When designing your research, include questions where the answers are unlikely to change in the short term. Some marketers include a table of contents so users can decide what parts to explore. TIP: This post is an example of how it can appear fresh on publication day (using date of 2018), but its contents are evergreen. While the case study is evergreen content, you could change the link (and update the PDF) for more topical, date-specific content. Get evergreen AND on-trend content marketing tips and much more at Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7.

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Does your online content have an expiration date?

Is it only good for 30 days? A year? Two years?

Thanks to search engines – whether you like it or not – your content is evergreen.

But while your content’s always discoverable technically, you need to think strategically about how it can be valuable all years round for searchers and Google’s algorithm.

These content types can work well for evergreen content that does well with your audience and in search engines.

Reference ‘books’ for tools

If your audience uses online tools, organize them into one or more articles that can serve as a go-to reference. As you learn about new or better tools, update the article so it remains fresh.

Don’t be deceived by the 2018 reference in Brian Dean’s SEO Tools: The Complete List (2018 Update). He started it years ago and continues to use the same URL as he faithfully expands this incredible resource.

It’s exceptionally well organized, allowing user input to customize the results.


TIP: Follow Brian’s lead (https://backlinko.com/seo-tools) and use non-dated URLs. If you include a date in the link, searchers will perceive your content as dated.


What’s your take on popular industry terms and acronyms? Demonstrate expertise by supplying definitions, which in most cases rarely change.

Sales Hacker did a great job with this glossary. I would have listed the alphabet over a few columns, but the vertical list makes it easy to click any letter to see a list of the industry words and their definitions for that letter.


TIP: Like Sales Hacker’s list, keep the word and its definition on the same page to eliminate a click and increase the use of that page – a positive in the eyes of search engines and users.

Blog posts and other website content

Some website content can’t be evergreen. Product announcements and events, for example, come and go. But much of your blog posts and other website content can offer sufficient depth on topics searchers are always interested in.

Focus on questions and share wisdom your team has gleaned over time. Write for experience – what worked well from your perspective or how you overcame a mistake. Help your visitors solve problems by making sure your content explains the how, why, and what. Deloitte does it well in its article, An Alternative Approach to Strategy in a World that Defies Prediction.


TIP: Deloitte gives readers the option of choosing the sections they want to visit. A table of contents is essential for more in-depth pieces that touch on multiple related topics.


Some infographics simply explain a process or system, which makes them ideal candidates for evergreen content. But infographics loaded with stats can be invaluable for years.

Column Five compiled a comprehensive collection of infographics that reflect a wide range of styles, including this one from USC Marshall. While the infographic later contains dated stats, it sets up a premise that won’t change, illustrating the historical foundation…