The Top 10 Features of a Successful Mobile Commerce App

The Top 10 Features of a Successful Mobile Commerce App

There are certain features that successful mobile commerce apps have in common. I’ve narrowed down the top 10 features of successful mobile commerce apps. Your customers are already using their phones when they shop at your store. Make this experience even better for your customers. When they get to the store, your app should tell them exactly which aisle the product is in to make it even easier for the customer. Flash sales and discounts You want to give people a reason to buy. Send them a discount from your mobile app. They are offering new users a 20% discount if they make a purchase from within the app. OK, so you probably won’t taste a product before you buy it in a store either, but you know what I mean. In addition to flash sales, you can send personalized notifications based on customer preferences and location.

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Launching a mobile app is a great way to increase sales for your business.

If you already have a live app available for download, you’re headed in the right direction. That’s because your customers are active on mobile devices.

It’s more convenient for them to shop from their phones and tablets because they use these devices on a regular basis.

Yes, you still need to have a web design optimized for mobile users. But that alone won’t be enough.

Having a mobile app will definitely help you maximize your potential revenue.

In the last six months, 62% of smartphone users have used their devices to make purchases. It’s clear people are willing to shop from their phones.

But just having an app doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be successful.

There are certain features that successful mobile commerce apps have in common. If you have an app, you need to implement these features if you want to share a similar success.

If you are building an app, make sure you include these features so your app is in great shape to perform well when it finally launches.

I’ve narrowed down the top 10 features of successful mobile commerce apps.

1. Personalization

All the best apps offer personalization to the user. That’s because personalization has many benefits.

Take this information into consideration. These are some of the top challenges faced by marketing professionals:

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As you can see, coming up with tactics to reach customers in a meaningful way ranked first on the list of responses. But personalization can solve that problem. Here’s how.

When a new user downloads your app, they create a profile. Make this process as easy as possible for them by integrating it with their social media profiles.

Now they can set up the account with just a few clicks instead of creating a new username and password and filling in all other information. But once the account is created, regardless of how you do it, you’ll be able to get valuable information about the user.

You’ll discover things such as their gender, age, and location. Now you can modify their homepage and mobile experience to match this information.

For example, let’s say your mobile commerce app sells clothing. You don’t want winter coats to appear on the homepage of someone who lives in Southern California.

You’ll also track information when the customer shops. You can make additional suggestions based on their browsing history and previous purchases.

This will enhance the user experience and increase the chances of them buying from you in the future. It is also a great opportunity for you to upsell and cross-sell your products.

2. Eliminate bugs and errors

If your mobile app wasn’t developed properly, it’s going to have lots of glitches, crashes, and error reports.

This will frustrate a user. Don’t think that’s a big deal? Think again.

Just look at how significant app performance is to your customers—84% of customers agree it’s important:

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But what happens when your app doesn’t perform well? Very bad things.

In fact, 48% of mobile users are less likely to use an app if it doesn’t perform well. An additional 34% of people say they’ll use a competitor’s app after a negative experience.

This is obviously bad news for your mobile commerce strategy.

You can’t afford to lose any customers, especially not to your competition. You’ve invested too much time and money into this venture. You’ve got to make sure you prioritize performance.

Don’t get me wrong, nobody’s app is perfect. But you should always be trying to make improvements.

Use beta testers before a launch to help you identify and work out any bugs. Get notifications when something crashes so you can get it fixed as soon as possible.

Come out with new updates on a regular basis. All of this will improve the user experience and make it easier for them to buy.

3. Retail integration

If you have a mobile app in addition to a physical store, have them compliment each other.

Your customers are already using their phones when they shop at your store. Here’s a look at what they’re doing with these devices:

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Embrace it. Make this experience even better for your customers.

Start off by offering free Wi-Fi in your stores so that they can easily connect their devices and access the app when they walk in, without using their data plans.

When someone browses for items from within the app, they may be interested in buying a product. But for one reason or another, they may want to check out the item in person.

Have a feature that allows them to save the item to a “want” or “favorite” list. Then, they can check the inventory at local stores to see if it’s available.

When they get to the store, your app should tell them exactly which aisle the product is in to make it even easier for the customer. This will increase the chances that they’ll buy it.

You can have the reverse feature as well. If someone sees something in your store but wants to think about it before buying, they can scan the barcode through the app and add the product to their “want” list. Then, they can purchase it later.

Integrating your app with retail locations…