Set the Strategic Goals that Drive Your Content Marketing

Set the Strategic Goals that Drive Your Content Marketing

There are a lot of reasons why I dislike the term content marketing, but the most important one is that it’s vague. A clever tweet from a big brand? Or maybe a blog post or podcast episode? But the type of content isn’t nearly as important as the strategic goals that inform it. This week, we had some thoughts for you on how to keep a strong strategic focus and get the most out of the work you put in. (Is there any other kind?) She helps us zero in on the messages that actually matter … and gives us permission to let go of the ones that don’t. And on Wednesday, I talked about the majestic power of consistent content strategy and tactics. Just a reminder that we’ll have a nifty little tool to help you do exactly that. by Stefanie Flaxman by Kaleigh Moore by Sonia Simone by Brian Clark by Sonia Simone

The Secret to Creating Scalable, Quality Content and Better CX – Infographic
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Set the Strategic Goals that Drive Your Content Marketing

There are a lot of reasons why I dislike the term content marketing, but the most important one is that it’s vague.

Are we talking about a YouTube “let’s play” gaming video? A clever tweet from a big brand? Or maybe a blog post or podcast episode?

Because that word content is there, the content format is where most people seem to focus. But the type of content isn’t nearly as important as the strategic goals that inform it.

This week, we had some thoughts for you on how to keep a strong strategic focus and get the most out of the work you put in.

On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman covered one of my favorite topics: how to get a handle on an out-of-control email inbox. (Is there any other kind?) She helps us zero in on the messages that actually matter … and gives us…