4 Critical Steps for Building a Memorable Brand

4 Critical Steps for Building a Memorable Brand

But what really sets us apart is our brand. We have worked hard to customize the co-working experience, and our brand is what makes us memorable -- it’s meaningful, specific and screams individuality. Great marketers don’t simply share brands, they sell stories. The answer is that people crave the powerful emotional connection that comes through telling a story. There’s a story behind everything, so use your brand to tell it. Customers need to be able to read your company sign in a matter of seconds (not minutes).” While Hera Hub isn’t exactly a revealing name, our tagline, elevator pitch and content enable users and customers to understand exactly what we do. If your business’s name doesn’t reveal what you do in the title, be sure to back it up with powerful and clear language that communicates what you do and what makes you unique. When building your brand, it’s crucial that you remember your purpose and tie everything to that. Your brand sets you apart, and your advantage is in the details. Hanson is the founder of Hera Hub, a spa-inspired shared workspace and community for female entrepreneurs.

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Developing an impactful brand is make-or-break. It’s what will help your company gain new customers, and most importantly, it’s what will keep them coming back.

4 Critical Steps for Building a Memorable Brand

This story originally appeared on Ellevate

I founded a co-working space and business accelerator for female entrepreneurs. There are thousands of co-working spaces around the world and there are dozens that cater to this same demographic, so in order to remain competitive, each of us must set ourselves apart.

My company, Hera Hub, boasts a unique business model. Our spaces are equipped with a spa-inspired design and tailor-made benefits that give us a competitive advantage. On its face, this is not entirely novel. Many of our competitors offer a somewhat similar hook — aesthetically-appealing office spaces that give members the tools they need to succeed. But what really sets us apart is our brand.

My company’s name, colors, spa-inspired approach and team cannot be replicated. We have worked hard to customize the co-working experience, and our brand is what makes us memorable — it’s meaningful, specific and screams individuality.

My experience in business and marketing led me to my passion for branding, and in the current climate, this passion has become a necessity. Developing an impactful brand is make-or-break. It’s what will help your company gain new customers, and most importantly, it’s what will keep them coming back. For those of you in the beginning stages of your business or on the verge of a rebrand, here are four tips to help you develop a memorable and sustainable brand.

1. No meaning = no story

Your brand should mean something to you. It’s the face of your company and the metric the public will measure you by. Your business’s name should represent a metaphor, symbol, word or emotion that evokes a story, memory or meaning.

A name with substance is more valuable than one that’s catchy. Your name should have a…