3 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results from Social Media

3 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results from Social Media

It can be frustrating when you’re not seeing results from social media. If you’re not seeing an ROI for the time or money you’re putting into a social media platform, it may be time to cut it loose or to hire someone else to manage it. Your time will likely be better served focusing in areas that do make your business money. Webcast, March 19th: Why You Are Leaving Money On The Table If You Don't Have Live Chat You Have Shiny Object Syndrome This is a big reason why I’m currently limiting my time on social media. Shiny object syndrome is when you pivot or constantly change your business model because a brand new strategy pops up on the scene. It confuses you and your customers. Instead of helping your business, digesting a lot of social media can make you inclined to listen to every business “expert” who has a genius new marketing approach. Not every idea will be good for your business and making changes to your strategy constantly can get you away from your core mission. You need confidence and a high self esteem to keep going day in and day out as well. Set certain hours each day that you interrupt your work to check email.

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It can be frustrating when you’re not seeing results from social media. It seems like everyone else is growing a following and you’re stuck getting maybe a follower a day and not seeing any change to your bottom line.

Social media gives us access to unlimited customers all over the world but that doesn’t mean instant money.

Logging onto social media to post a picture or like a comment under the guise of “working” can take the place of doing the activities that actually generate income. Here are signs it may be time to put your effort elsewhere:

You’re Not Focusing on ROI

You have to measure which social media platform you’re getting the most return on your investment. For me, it’s Pinterest. Pinterest has a high concentration of people who are interested in my site, products, and newsletter.

I’ve recently devoted some time to Facebook and Instagram. While I see some results, the results pale in comparison to the results from Pinterest so I’m now reassessing.

You also have to have a purpose for your social media traffic. Are they funneling somewhere? Are you getting them on your email list? What’s the specific goal you have with your social strategy?

If you’re not seeing an ROI for the time or money you’re putting into a social media platform, it may be time to cut it loose or to hire someone else to manage it. Your time will likely be better served focusing…