How Your Business Can Make the Most of Instagram’s New Album Feature

How Your Business Can Make the Most of Instagram’s New Album Feature

How Your Business Can Make the Most of Instagram’s New Album Feature. Instagram is introducing the ability to add up to 10 photos and videos to a single post, album-style. Users can swipe through to see each individual piece of content in the post, similar to Snapchat’s slideshow storytelling format. Like carousel ads, Instagram’s newest feature will allow you to combine photos and video to tell stories and convey information in the best way possible. 5 ways businesses can use Instagram’s new album feature Because albums are an easy way to create an interactive post, they’re also a low-barrier way for brands to share rich media and foster more engagement with followers. Albums give brands the opportunity to explore new creative avenues for storytelling, breaking stories down into multiple parts to make them even more engaging for the audience. But Instagram etiquette—and the desire not to spam your followers—kept you to an agonizingly chosen one or two images? How to use the album feature on Instagram One of the best parts of Instagram’s newest feature? Of course, you can like and comment on album posts the same way you can with regular Instagram posts. Comments and likes will appear on the entire album, rather than on the individual photos or videos in it.

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How Your Business Can Make the Most of Instagram’s New Album Feature | Hootsuite Blog

Instagram is introducing the ability to add up to 10 photos and videos to a single post, album-style.

Users can swipe through to see each individual piece of content in the post, similar to Snapchat’s slideshow storytelling format.

How Your Business Can Make the Most of Instagram’s New Album Feature | Hootsuite Blog
Image via Instagram Blog.

Some publications are already decrying the death of Instagram’s culture of careful curation, but this change actually offers a lot of opportunity—especially for businesses.

Listen up: this change means you can essentially create carousel ads—a highly engaging and interactive format that performs 10 times better than regular ads—for free.

Like carousel ads, Instagram’s newest feature will allow you to combine photos and video to tell stories and convey information in the best way possible.

5 ways businesses can use Instagram’s new album feature

Because albums are an easy way to create an interactive post, they’re also a low-barrier way for brands to share rich media and foster more engagement with followers.

1. Showcase products

Whether you choose to show off several different products or highlight features of a single product, the albums format is a great way to tell people about what you offer.

2. Tell a story

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then what are 10 photos and videos worth? So. Much. More.

Albums give brands the opportunity to explore new creative avenues for storytelling, breaking stories down into multiple parts to make them even more engaging for the audience.

3. Explain how to do something

The ability to easily pull together multiple elements into one single posts makes albums the perfect place to share a how-to. Write instructions on individual photos, have someone explain what’s happening in a video—the sky’s the limit.

4. Break a larger image into multiple parts

Lots of brands have happily embraced the #triplegram—a tactic that involves posting three related images, or one image cropped into three, in succession. With albums, this process is even easier.