How to Become the World’s #1 Expert in Your Niche

How to Become the World’s #1 Expert in Your Niche

How to Become the World’s #1 Expert in Your Niche. You can also scroll down to the bottom to see the top 10 pieces of content for the moment. When it comes to boosting your authority and credibility, I can’t think of a better way than simply creating great content around your niche. This is a model I suggest you follow because it’s your key to being recognized as an expert. Building a hub such as this gives you an opportunity to cover your niche in great detail and share your knowledge with visitors who are eager to learn. Here are some ideas: Connect with other influencers At this point, you should have chosen a niche, learned everything you can about it and created a hub where you can share your knowledge. This is one of the best ways to get your name out there and to increase your brand equity. It serves as an online hub for talking about everything related to freelance writing, including ways to thrive in a competitive market. Another brilliant way to find influencers to connect with is to use BuzzSumo. It’s very much a process that takes time.

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Whether you’re a brand, a webmaster or a solo blogger, it’s essential your audience takes you seriously.

You need to prove you know your stuff.

But in a world that’s become increasingly saturated with self-appointed “gurus,” it’s become incredibly difficult to separate yourself from the masses.

That’s why authority and credibility have become the name of the game.

How do you achieve authority and credibility?

It’s not something you can buy. It must be cultivated, and that takes time.

You can’s just go from being an unknown to being a top industry expert overnight.

But I’ve learned over the past decade that there are several ways to expedite the process and attain expert level status within a reasonable amount of time.

In this post, I would like to share with you some lessons I’ve learned, top strategies I’ve used as well as some specific tools you can use to become the world’s number one expert in your niche.

You need to be all in

Before you do anything, you need to make sure you’re truly interested in and passionate about the niche you’re focusing on.

Let’s be honest.

It’ll be an uphill battle if you’re only lukewarm about the topic you are choosing.

Talking about it, writing about it, vlogging about it will inevitably become a chore, and you’ll lose momentum.

I can’t tell you the number of projects I’ve abandoned over the years simply because I wasn’t fully invested in them.

I lacked the passion.

And as Gary Vaynerchuk would say, “Passion is priceless.”


What I’m saying is before you get in too deep, make sure the niche you’re focusing on is something you’re deeply interested in and passionate about.

This is the key to sustaining you for the long haul.

Quite frankly, this has been a huge factor in my success.

It’s not by chance that my niche is digital marketing.

I truly love it. I eat, sleep and breathe digital marketing.

Talking about it all the time doesn’t feel like work. It’s fun.

That’s how I’ve been able to write over 4,000 blog posts over the past 10 years.

I would have never made it otherwise.

The bottom line is you need to be all in before anything else.

That’s a prerequisite.

And here’s a little slice of advice.

The smaller your niche is, the quicker you can build influence.

In fact, a study by Technorati found,

more than 54% of consumers agree that the shorter the community size, the greater the influence.

Keep it in mind because “niching down” is often a good idea when you’re seeking to attain expert status in a hurry.

Make learning a habit

Before you can share your knowledge with others, you need to accumulate your own pool of knowledge first.

The quickest way I’ve found to build a solid body of knowledge is to surround myself with the topic I’m interested in.

In other words, you need to get in the habit of learning continuously.

Fortunately, the Internet is the ultimate vessel for building your knowledge.

It’s simply a matter of finding the best possible resources for research and learning.

This usually starts with blogs, slideshows, infographics, etc.

But I have a little trick for streamlining things and finding some of the top resources quickly.

Here’s what you do.

Let’s say you want to become an expert in urban farming.

First, go to BuzzSumo.

Type in a search phrase.


Then click on “Content Analysis.”


Now click on “Search.”

You’ll get a bunch of results.

Next, scroll down to the section called “Most Shared Domains by Network.”

You’ll be able to see which websites, blogs and publications are receiving the most shares.

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The pie chart on the right will give you a visual perspective on things.

For instance, it’s clear that is killing it in terms of shares relating to “urban farming.”

It’s definitely a site I would want to check out.

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