How to Use LinkedIn in Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy

How to Use LinkedIn in Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing is a core part of B2B content marketing. It has been the top used B2B platform for years and is rated as the most effective social media platform by 63 percent of B2B marketers. Unlike the content you may post on your own website, your email newsletters, or other channels, your LinkedIn content has the chance to be endorsed by other reputable professionals and business leaders in your industry when they comment on or like or share your post. It is itself a resource to help you create better content LinkedIn is more than a platform for publishing content. What Content Should You Publish or Post on LinkedIn? Post Articles and Updates The meat and potatoes of your content strategy on LinkedIn will probably be to publish articles directly on LinkedIn and posts that link back to your website blog articles. Master this, and your posts will get shared by other LinkedIn users and you’re going to garner more followers. What about publishing an article on both your blog and LinkedIn? You can share your blog articles on your LinkedIn page as shared posts, drawing more traffic back to your website. You can also post organic native video on your Company Page on LinkedIn, featuring products, company culture, news, and events.

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Social media marketing is a core part of B2B content marketing. Utilized by 83 percent of marketers, it’s the most widely used content marketing distribution tactic.

And what’s the most powerful social channel? By far, it’s LinkedIn for B2B content marketing.

LinkedIn has built up a reputation as ‘the’ social media site for B2B. It has been the top used B2B platform for years and is rated as the most effective social media platform by 63 percent of B2B marketers.

This isn’t a social media site with which you want to take a half-baked approach. LinkedIn stands out because it offers more than engagement and brand awareness. This is the platform from which unshakable professional and business reputations are built upon.

Is your organization harnessing the full potential of LinkedIn for content marketing?

3 Benefits of LinkedIn for B2B Content Marketing

LinkedIn offers unique advantages that you aren’t going to find on other social media platforms.

Targeted audience for better-qualified leads

When you are marketing for business products and services, there is no better network to use to connect with your potential leads. The best part about LinkedIn here is that you have access to every level of companies’ organizational structure and every size business, from Fortune 500 CEOs to the innovative and inspired heads of start-up companies.

61 million LinkedIn users are senior level influencers and 40 million are decision makers. Whomever your specific target buyers are, as long as you plan your LinkedIn strategy correctly – creating content that directly speaks to them – you’ll be able to get your content in front of the eyes of the people you need to grow your business.

LinkedIn can establish thought leadership and brand trust

Publish provocative, insightful or groundbreaking articles or videos on LinkedIn as part of your content strategy to score big in the thought leadership department. Unlike the content you may post on your own website, your email newsletters, or other channels, your LinkedIn content has the chance to be endorsed by other reputable professionals and business leaders in your industry when they comment on or like or share your post.

It is itself a resource to help you create better content

LinkedIn is more than a platform for publishing content. It’s also a resource you can use to help improve your content creation. You can access a lot of worthwhile research that other organizations are sharing. Follow the research firms in your industry to learn when new studies are published.

You can also connect with or follow other thought leaders in your industry to make sure you are up-to-date on the latest news…