Why Print Should Be an Important Part of Your Online Marketing Strategy

Why Print Should Be an Important Part of Your Online Marketing Strategy. Digital marketing should definitely be a major part of your overall strategy, but limiting your efforts to the online spectrum can be detrimental to your business. Here’s why print should be an important part of your online marketing strategy. Print is powerful Take a moment to check out PrintIsBig.com, which is loaded with statistics proving the power of print. Notably: 80% of households read or browse their advertising mail Direct-mail response rates are 37 percent higher than email marketing response rates S. advertisers spend $167 per person on direct-mail to earn $2,095 worth of goods sold – a 1,255 percent return The choice isn’t between print or digital – the two can and should work together – the choice is to take advantage of a powerful marketing platform that can grow your business. You need to compete there, too, but if your competitors aren’t taking advantage of print it represents a golden opportunity to reach customers where they aren’t even looking. Plus, ultra-targeted print marketing campaigns help you earn trust and credibility with your customer base – something many advertisers fail to do in the age of ad blockers. The “big boys” use print If digital marketing were all that was needed, why would companies such as Google routinely engage in print marketing. The company’s AdWords program is certainly an online-only product, yet Google consistently sends postcards to promote its program – despite also controlling the leading search engine people use to find digital marketing tools. However, it does mean if you’re devoting your entire budget to digital marketing you’re missing out on a powerful marketing strategy that can help you grow your business.

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Do you operate your business exclusively online? If so, it can be easy to think your marketing budget is best spent on digital promotions. Digital marketing should definitely be a major part of your overall strategy, but limiting your efforts to the online spectrum can be detrimental to your business. Here’s why print should be an important part of your online marketing strategy.

Print is powerful

Take a moment to check out PrintIsBig.com, which is loaded with statistics proving the power of print. Notably:

  • 80% of households read or browse their advertising mail
  • Direct-mail response rates are 37 percent higher than email marketing response rates
  • S. advertisers spend $167 per person on direct-mail to earn $2,095 worth of goods sold – a 1,255 percent return

The choice isn’t between print or digital – the two can and should work together – the choice is to take advantage of a powerful marketing platform that can grow your business. With these…