Keep It Clean: The Importance of Email-List Hygiene [Infographic]

Keep It Clean: The Importance of Email-List Hygiene [Infographic]. "Your email database is the foundation of your email marketing strategy," an infographic by Campaigner Email Marketing rightly states. If your email bounce rate is greater than 3-5%, consider that as a sign your email list needs a good scrubbing, according to the infographic. Emailing only to contacts who are likely to interact with your email campaigns is crucial, Campaigner points out. Why? For various reasons. If, for example, there are too many bounces, you risk getting blocked, or even blacklisted. For some best-practices and other information on email list hygiene, check the infographic:

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“Your email database is the foundation of your email marketing strategy,” an infographic by Campaigner Email Marketing rightly states.

If your email bounce rate is greater than 3-5%, consider that as a sign your email list needs…