How to Turn a Bad Day Around [Infographic]

How to Turn a Bad Day Around [Infographic]. "I had a bad day." How often do you find yourself saying that? Several times throughout the day? Well, shoot. That's not good. This stuff has got to stop. But what is a person to do? It turns out, it's possible to turn around a bad day -- and, some might say, kind of easy with the right kind of approach. Today doesn't have to be bad.

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“I had a bad day.”

How often do you find yourself saying that? Once? Twice? Several times throughout the day?

If it’s more than once each week, you’ve got company — 29% of people say that they have at least two bad days at work every week.

Well, shoot. That’s not good. I mean, I can understand having a “bad day” after you’ve spilled coffee all over your new jeans, or got a wicked…