Live Jul 3! AMA with Sebastian Beja, Head of Growth Platforms at Mindvalley

Live Jul 3! AMA with Sebastian Beja, Head of Growth Platforms at Mindvalley

Sebastian Beja, a guacamole lover with an obsession on finding patterns. He believes that the way to change the world is by Helping Parents Create Streams of Income To Be More Present With Their Kids. Sebastian is a Serial Entrepreneur and currently Head of Growth Platforms at Mindvalley, where he grew more than 1000% Mindvalley Organic Traffic in less than 11 months and added 250k subscribers & 15 Million Views in 6 months by treating YouTube like a Search Engine. He spoke two years in a row in The Biggest Entrepreneurial Festival in LATAM, where he shared the stage with Richard Branson, Jeremy Gustache and Jack Andraka. With over 8 years of experience in search engines - he sees life as a probability algorithm. He thinks that if you want to succeed in Marketing today, you need to stop being boring 97% of the time and start being AMAZING 3% of the time. You have to be a 24/7 roller coaster. Loves to add value to people, therefore his offering a FREE 1-1 deep-dive Consulting Call only for the GrowthHackers Community. Connect with him on Linkedin & Insta Sebastian will be live on July 3 starting starting at 930 AM PT for one and a half hours where he will answer as many questions as possible.

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Sebastian Beja, a guacamole lover with an obsession on finding patterns.

He believes that the way to change the world is by Helping Parents Create Streams of Income To Be More Present With Their Kids.

Sebastian is a Serial Entrepreneur and currently Head of Growth Platforms at Mindvalley, where he grew more than 1000% Mindvalley Organic Traffic in less than 11 months and added 250k subscribers & 15 Million Views in 6 months by treating YouTube like a Search Engine.

He spoke two years in a row in…