In a world where consumers are more likely to shell out for concert tickets than buy their favorite band's merchandise, there's no doubting the power of experiences. Consumers today want a brand they patronize to enrich their lives, not just fill their closets or decorate their walls. That's why brands were predicted to increase their spending for experiential marketing 11% in 2017—nearly double from just two years ago. That said, to deliver truly transformative experiences, brands must challenge the traditional take on events and tradeshow exhibits. We're entering a new generation of experiential marketing that considers cultural context, program timing, content development, and positioning within a brand's long-term business objectives. Beyond the Tradeshow Floor At my agency, we've noted a trend: Industries are taking experiences outside their core contexts—tradeshow floors, terminals, and hotels—and fusing them with other players to reach new markets of consumers. Consider the automotive industry, for example: In 2018, it'll move away from undifferentiated ride-and-drive events into broader-reaching experiential initiatives that integrate industries beyond the obvious markets. Using better insights to expand your experiential efforts, you can go beyond the places your brand normally advertises and activates.

In a world where consumers are more likely to shell out for concert tickets than buy their favorite band’s merchandise, there’s no doubting the power of experiences.
Consumers today want a brand they patronize to enrich their lives, not just fill their closets or decorate their walls.
That’s why brands were predicted to increase their spending for experiential marketing 11% in 2017—nearly double from just two years ago.
That said, to deliver truly transformative experiences, brands must challenge…