The Visual Story of How Jeff Bullas Became a Digital Marketing Influencer

The Visual Story of How Jeff Bullas Became a Digital Marketing Influencer. Did you know that entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before they actually reach success? That’s a whole lot of disappointment before getting it right. Yet, I’ve also learned to make it a lifestyle: Learn from past mistakes, push forward and embrace failure as a stepping stone to greater things. This intrepidness is what sets the successful apart from those who give up after the second or third try – not knowing that their big break is around the corner. Recently, I had the opportunity to use our online infographic tool Visme to visualize his journey to becoming a digital marketing influencer, and I was inspired by his story. Just six years ago, he was unemployed, going through a divorce, $50,000 in debt and about to close his business. Here is what we created: Image Source: Visme Instead of reading a list of accomplishments, you can take a visual trip through his life story, from unemployment and debt to becoming one of the world’s most influential digital marketers. Tell your story visually It’s been proven time and again that storytelling is one of the most effective ways to humanize your brand and show your customers that there are real people, with real emotions, behind your product or service. What about your brand story?

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From scrappy growth hacking start-up to big budget marketer

Did you know that entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before they actually reach success? That’s a whole lot of disappointment before getting it right.

As a startup founder, I’m well acquainted with the looming fear of failure that plagues so many entrepreneurs.

Yet, I’ve also learned to make it a lifestyle: Learn from past mistakes, push forward and embrace failure as a stepping stone to greater things.

This intrepidness is what sets the successful apart from those who give up after the second or third try – not knowing that their big break is around the corner.

Jeff Bullas is one of those guys who doesn’t give up.

Recently, I had the opportunity to use our online infographic tool Visme to visualize his journey to becoming a digital marketing influencer, and I was inspired by his story.

Just six years ago, he was unemployed, going through a divorce, $50,000 in debt and about to close his business.

One day, after reading a few books on digital marketing and a blog post advising aspiring bloggers to just start writing, he did just that.

He spent $10 on a domain name and started blogging about social media.

After six months of pouring his heart and soul into every post he published, he got his first big break:

His site was nominated by his readers as one of Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs.
