[Webinar] A whirlwind tour of the 5 disruptions reshaping marketing

[Webinar] A whirlwind tour of the 5 disruptions reshaping marketing

[Webinar] A whirlwind tour of the 5 disruptions reshaping marketing. Marketing is in the middle of five major disruptions that are reshaping our whole industry and profession. Yes, I know that sounds like hyperbole, but it’s not. And we’re just getting started. Taken one at a time, these changes would each present a significant challenge to organizations. Taken together, the collision of disruptions; Digital Transformation, Microservices & APIs, Vertical Competition, Digital Everything and Artificial Intelligence (AI) combine into the perfect storm of technology, marketing and management. infuse marketing into your product mission through growth hacking. Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Marketing Land. Search Engine Land's SMX West is returning to San Jose in 2017! If you're looking to feed your obsession with SEO and SEM, then make it a priority to attend SMX West in March.

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Marketing is in the middle of five major disruptions that are reshaping our whole industry and profession. Yes, I know that sounds like hyperbole, but it’s not. These are huge, world-changing shifts that have already shaken industries to their core. And we’re just getting started.

Reserve your seat for my LIVE webinar on Tuesday, February 14, where I’ll discuss these disruptions and how marketers can leverage them to their advantage.

Taken one at a time, these changes would each present a significant challenge to organizations. Taken together, the collision of disruptions; Digital Transformation, Microservices & APIs, Vertical Competition, Digital Everything and Artificial Intelligence (AI) combine into the perfect storm of technology, marketing and management.

Attend this webcast and learn how to:

  • understand how and…