4 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Your Affiliate Referrals

4 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Your Affiliate Referrals. However, video is a huge opportunity for content creators; according to Hubspot, 64 percent of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. [bctt tweet=”Sharing your thoughts on a particular product or service is a good place to start with video, as this allows you to endorse a particular brand.”] AWeber’s own customer and affiliate, Amy Schmittauer, does just that in her email comparison video review: While Amy’s genuine endorsement speaks to pros and cons of both services, she ultimately recommends AWeber based on the fact that we provide all features for trial users. Interested in learning more about creating engaging video content? Blog articles Writing a blog post that talks about your experience with a product or service can be a powerful way to share your endorsement towards a particular brand to your readers. If creating video content is too daunting, writing a simple article can be an easy first step to creating engaging content for your affiliate marketing efforts. Wherever he does, he makes sure to include his affiliate link along with the product or brand name. As you craft your social posts, also consider how you can leverage industry-specific and popular hashtags. Create engaging content today While there are many ways to create content to help educate your audience and drive referrals, I encourage you to choose one tactic to try. Check out my last post, The Do’s and Don’ts of Affiliate Marketing.

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Affiliate Marketing Content Feature Image

With all the work that goes into affiliate marketing, creating compelling content for your audience is often a forgotten piece of the puzzle. But you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to drive referrals: According to DemandMetric, content marketing costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing and generates around three times as many leads. When you create valuable content for your audience and include affiliate links to the brands you’re referring, it opens up the opportunity to get in front of new audiences and convert new sales. To help kick-start content creation for your affiliate marketing efforts, here are four tactics you can get implement today:

1. Product reviews

Product reviews are a powerful way to show your audience how you feel about a particular product or service – and they can have a huge impact on the purchasing decisions they make. In fact, 89 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. [bctt tweet=”89 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as personal recommendations.”] To ensure your product reviews help persuade your followers to try the product you’re recommending, there are a couple of best practices to keep in mind. First, be sure to include a completely honest review that focuses on both the pros and cons. This way, your readers will have more realistic expectations of the product. If you were to share a one-sided product review, it could do more harm than good – your referrals might expect a perfect product, and if those expectations aren’t matched, it could create a bad experience and damage your credibility. Check out this example below from the product review site, Top Ten Reviews:

In this review, they manage to provide an honest recommendation by balancing the pros and cons of this anti-virus software. By calling out the advantages of the product and including a “cons” section, they’re able to attract the right consumers to the product and be upfront about why it’s not the best purchase for others. Another tip to keep in mind as you create your content? Include images and examples of how the product can be used. The writers over at CNET do a great job of this in their Dark Sky weather app review below:

By including several images of the apps interface, it helps set accurate expectations for potential customers. They’ll know exactly what they’re buying, and how they can expect to use it. As you craft your own reviews, consider what types of visuals you can use to accompany and support your content. And don’t forget to include your affiliate link by hyperlinking any relevant keywords or images or the products name!

2. Video

When most people think about content, they often go straight to blog posts, whitepapers and ebooks. However, video is a huge opportunity for content creators; according to Hubspot, 64 percent of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. Not to mention, YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. While you may be intimidated by the idea of filming your own videos, creating video content doesn’t have to be a hassle. Keep in…