5 easy ways to improve your content marketing strategy

5 easy ways to improve your content marketing strategy. More often than not, businesses aren’t working from a top-notch content marketing strategy. Here are five ways to immediately improve your content marketing strategy. This isn’t simply taking your old posts and regurgitating them. You need to put your content where your audience is, so the more media forms offered, the better. Depending on the scale of your operation, your primary editor should manage content curation in addition to reviewing it before publication. Worst case scenario, you wouldn’t want to curate one blog post on Facebook saying that long email subject lines are most effective, then share a tweet saying that short email subject lines are best. A healthy, growing subscriber list is also important to maximize your promotion efforts. By growing this list constantly, you are ensuring that each piece of content you create will have a wider reach. One Facebook post got 2,000 links and 165 shares.

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Content marketing strategy is all about providing information to consumers to both educate them on a topic and pique their interest in your company. It is one of the most important elements of operating a successful business. More often than not, businesses aren’t working from a top-notch content marketing strategy. To make that even more complicated, a poorly executed content marketing strategy is actually worse than none at all. Here are five ways to immediately improve your content marketing strategy.

Leverage existing content in new ways

There is no denying that creating truly good content takes work. To provide your customers with value, you have to put in time, energy, and research. One way to maximize your efforts is to give new life to content you have already researched and created. This isn’t simply taking your old posts and regurgitating them. It’s finding a new way to communicate important information to your audience.

By converting your existing content into additional media forms, you multiply its effects. Turn an article into a video lesson filled with engaging visuals and corresponding animations. Or turn a video into a podcast so your fans can enjoy your training program while they commute. You need to put your content where your audience is, so the more media forms offered, the better. This type of diversification is key to a well-rounded content marketing strategy.

Curate content with a detailed calendar

Content curation is the best friend of content marketing. Just as you can use your old content and refresh it, you can use valuable content from other influencers to help your audience. You don’t know everything, and sharing the expertise of others with your audience demonstrates that you are truly invested in their education.

The key to streamlining your content curation is an extremely detailed content calendar. Include deadlines for writing, editing and publishing. Select the content form (or forms) and choose a topic, or even the title. Finally, decide on what platforms the content will be published and when. Depending on the scale of your operation, your primary editor should manage content curation in addition to reviewing it before publication. Even the best writers need an editor.

Maximize your promotion efforts

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is expecting content to stand on its own. Your content…