(If you didn’t get to this until Monday then let’s get the week started!) I’m writing this today because of a conversation I had over the weekend with a friend who owns a business. The conversation started with her frustrated realization that the year is nearly half over. See, I had spoken with her towards the end of last year and she was pretty excited about her new marketing plan for the year. Now, at the half-way point, she was realizing that she was never going to meet her objectives for the year and it was making her pretty stressed out. So I told her all she needed to do was restart her plan. We start every year with great new intentions and then life and the next new great idea get in the way. Shortly after that conversion, I got an idea. For the next 5 days, I’m going to write a post that explains in some detail how to attack each of the five steps above and at the end, I’ll collect it all in an ebook for you. If so, just make it a point to come back here every day this week and take in the new lesson.
Let me ask you a rather blunt question – Are you on track to meet your goals this year?
If you are reading this on a Sunday, you might be wondering why I chose to post today. (If you didn’t get to this until Monday then let’s get the week started!)
I’m writing this today because of a conversation I had over the weekend with a friend who owns a business.
The conversation started with her frustrated realization that the year is nearly half over. See, I had spoken with her towards the end of last year and she was pretty excited about her new marketing plan for the year.
Now, at the half-way point, she was realizing that she was never going to meet her objectives for the year and it was making her pretty stressed out.
So I told her all she needed to do was restart her plan. If what she was doing wasn’t working she didn’t have to wait until the end of the year to create a new path.
I think we all fall into that trap. We start every year with great new intentions…