5 Things To Scrap From Your Content Marketing Strategy + Infographic

5 Things To Scrap From Your Content Marketing Strategy + Infographic. However, if your content does not interest readers, you are more likely to damage your value to search engines. But end-users interacting with the internet on 5-inch screens do not want to read feature length articles of 1000-words plus. Make sure that your post contains all the information that you read about and even more. You will see, your audience will appreciate your work and expertise with their engagement. It I far better to publish one high-quality article a month than two low-quality pieces a week. This is because content writers are merely creative enough to add more information than they see in other articles. Readers want to be entertained and informed when they are reading content, so be creative and try to annoy anyone. For example, how many times have you heard this one: “We all know…” There are two things wrong with this statement; it is a generalization because not everyone does know, and secondly, it has become a cliché. In the perfect world, inbound links should be organic, and if you are publishing high-quality content, you increase your chances of receiving backlinks from third party publishers.

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Content marketing is so integral to the success of an online business that a strong strategy is required. And like most things in life, there is a right and wrong way to go about it.

In a survey conducted by the content marketing institute, 89% of UK respondents said their company uses some form of content strategy, and 66% of marketers expect to receive an increase to their content marketing budget next year.

These figures demonstrate there is little doubt that content is a catalyst for higher visibility in search engine rankings – when you get it right. And so long as you are publishing engaging material that provides value to readers, content marketing is a powerful weapon in your digital artillery.

However, if your content does not interest readers, you are more likely to damage your value to search engines. As a result, you throw money into a virtual hole and then complain content marketing doesn’t work.

But if content marketing works so well for thousands of other brands, then it can work for you. Maybe it’s time you gave your strategy a rethink. Are you using these old tactics or techniques that repel rather compel?

Content marketing has no place for standard 500-word articles

Search engine algorithms are so sophisticated these days that standard 500-word blogs do not escape their attention. Research shows that longer articles perform better in search engines. The reason for this is because search engines want to provide end-users with in-depth content that sufficiently answers their search query. The longer an article is, the more detailed it becomes. It’s logical, as it contains more information.

Furthermore, longer articles are an indication to search engines that the content has been published by someone that is an expert in their field and is thus distributing specialist content that can be trusted and offers real value.

Mobile users are also impacting search engine results. But end-users interacting with the internet on 5-inch screens do not want to read feature length articles of 1000-words plus. They need the micro-content of 200-300 words that can be easily digested on a smaller screen.

Your content strategy, therefore, has to benefit the target audience, not just regarding quality, but also keeping in mind the type of device your audience is using to access the content.

How to come up with longer content:

Let’s reveal a few tips on how to come up with a longer article and still keep it concise and juicy for your readers:

Read all of the articles that are on the first search results page for your targeted keyword. Make sure that your post contains all the information that you read about and even more.
Your post should answer all the questions and touch on all the queries that appear in Google Suggest at the top and bottom of the search page. Once you do it, you are all set as Google related terms will suggest possible LSI keywords that will help you with on-page optimization; to ultimately rank higher for the given phrase in the search results.
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